Style and solitude : the history of an architectural problem / Mari Hvattum.
Entrée principale:

Hvattum, Mari, 1966- author. aut

Titre et auteur:

Style and solitude : the history of an architectural problem / Mari Hvattum.


Cambridge, Massachusetts ; London, England : The MIT Press, [2023]


310 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 25 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 281-298) and index.
Introduction -- "The 'styles' are a lie" -- Inventing the period style -- Style and Stimmung -- Style and the Ideal -- The principle of correspondence -- My kingdom for a style -- Style in the making.

"The term style has fallen spectacularly out of fashion in architectural circles. Once a conceptual key to understanding architecture's inner workings, today style seems to be associated with superficiality, formalism, and obsolete periodization. But how did style--once defined by German sociologist Georg Simmel as a place where one is "no longer alone"--in architecture actually work? How was it used and what did it mean? In Style and Solitude, Mari Hvattum seeks to understand the apparent death of style, returning to its birthplace in the late eighteenth century, and charting how it grew to influence modern architectural discourse and practice. As Hvattum explains, German thinkers of the eighteenth and nineteenth century offered competing ideas of what style was and how it should be applied in architecture. From Karl Friedrich Schinkel's thoughtful eclecticism to King Maximilian II's attempt to capture the zeitgeist in an architectural competition, style was at the center of fascinating experiments and furious disputes. Starting with Johann Joachim Winckelmann's invention of the period style and ending a century later with Gottfried Semper's generative theory of style, Hvattum explores critical debates that are still ongoing today."-- Provided by publisher.


9780262545006 (hardcover)
0262545004 (hardcover)


Architecture Aesthetics.
Architecture, Modern.
Architecture Esthétique.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 318589
Cote: 318589
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible


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