Building for change : the architecture of creative reuse / edited by Robert Klanten, Rosie Flanagan, and Andrea Servert ; texts by Ruth Lang.
Entrée principale:

Building for change (Die Gestalten Verlag GmbH & Co. KG)

Titre et auteur:

Building for change : the architecture of creative reuse / edited by Robert Klanten, Rosie Flanagan, and Andrea Servert ; texts by Ruth Lang.


Berlin : Die Gestalten Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, 2022.
Calbe : Printed by Grafisches Centrum Cuno GmbH & Co. KG.


251 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), plans ; 31 cm

What role can creative reuse play in architectural design? -- Contemporary hurdles and imperatives for integrating creative reuse -- Baoshan WTE Exhibition Center (Shanghai, China) / Kokaistudios -- EOI Melilla Language School (Melilla, Spain) / Ángel Verdasco Arquitectos -- The Waterhouse at South Bund (Shanghai, China) / Neri&Hu Design and Research Office -- Fondazione Prada (Milan, Italy) / OMA -- A new agenda for implementing the strategies of creative reuse in practice -- Antivilla (Potsdam, Germany) / Brandlhuber+ -- MO de Movimiento Restaurant (Madrid, Spain) / Lucas Muñoz -- Mode and Design Brussels (Brussels, Belgium) Rotor and V+ -- Qinglongwu Capsule Hotel and Library (Jinhua, China) / Atelier tao+c -- Castle Acre Water Tower (Norfolk, United Kingdom) / Tonkin Liu -- The Farmers' House of the Diagonal Lattice (Osaka, Japan) / Takashi Yonezawa Architects -- Responding to the shifting use of our cities and buildings -- Sala Bekett (Barcelona, Spain) / Flores & Prats -- Salon Guui (Seoul, Korea) / STPMJ -- Estudi 1700 (Girona, Spain) / NordEst Arquitectura -- Tai Kwun Center for Heritage and Arts (Hong Kong, China) / Herzog & de Meuron -- Zeitz MOCAA (Cape Town, South Africa) / Heatherwick Studio -- PC Caritas (Melle, Belgium) / Architecten De Vylder Vinck Tallieu -- CaixaForum (Madrid, Spain) / Herzog & de Meuron -- Silo Erlenmatt (Basel, Switzerland) / Harry Gugger Studio -- Masquerade (Beijing, China) / 123 Architects -- The Playscape (Beijing, China) / We Architech Anonymous -- Placing material reuse at the heart of the design process -- Ningbo Historic Museum (Ningbo, China) / Amateur Architecture Studio -- Kamikatsu Zero Waste Center (Kamikatsu, Japan) / Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP -- Party and Public Service Center (Shiyan, China) / LUO Studio -- Lucy's House (Mason's Bend, Alabama, USA) / Rural Studio -- Expanding the brief for reuse to the scale of the site -- Site Verrier de Meisenthal (Meisenthal, France) / SO - IL and FREAKS freearchitects -- Dexamenes Seaside Hotel (Kourouta, Greece) / K-Studio -- Elementary School (Vřesovice, Czechia) / Public Atelier and Fuuze -- Alila Yangshuo Hotel (Guangxi, China) / Vector Architects -- TWA Hotel and Connie Cocktail Lounge (New York, USA) / Lubrano Ciavarra Architects and Beyer Blinder Belle, INC Architecture & Design, Stonehill Taylor -- Establishing a legacy for disassembly and reappropriation -- Rigot Collective Dwelling Center (Geneva, Switzerland) / acau architecture -- Lakeside Plugin Tower (Beijing, China) / People's Architecture Office -- Kibera Hamlets School (Nairobi, Kenya) / SelgasCano and Helloeverything -- Gare Maritime (Brussels, Belgium) / Neutelings Riedijk Architects -- Sands End Arts & Community Centre (London, United Kingdom) / Mæ Architects -- Harrow Arts Centre (London, United Kingdom) / DK-CM.

"How can we build a sustainable future in a time of climate change and dwindling resources? 'Building for Change' collects the strategies of reuse together, demonstrating their power for change through groundbreaking projects from some of the world's leading architects. From waste repurposed as construction materials, to buildings reworked with canny spatial interventions, and modular structures designed to be dismantled, discover how the architecture of creative reuse is helping us build a better tomorrow"-- Back cover.


9783967040449 (hardcover)
3967040445 (hardcover)


Buildings Remodeling for other use Pictorial works.
Buildings Remodeling for other use.
Sustainable architecture Pictorial works.
Sustainable architecture.
Architecture 21st century Pictorial works.
Architecture 21st century.
Buildings Salvaging.
Salvage (Waste, etc.)
Construction and demolition debris.
Architecture, Modern 21st century Pictorial works.
Architecture, Modern 21st century.
Constructions Reconversion Ouvrages illustrés.
Constructions Reconversion.
Architecture durable Ouvrages illustrés.
Architecture durable.
Architecture 21e siècle Ouvrages illustrés.
Architecture 21e siècle.
Constructions Récupération.
Déchets de construction et de démolition.
Architecture Pictorial works. 21st century.


Pictorial works

Vedettes secondaires:

Lang, Ruth (Writer on architecture), writer of added commentary.
Klanten, Robert, editor.
Flanagan, Rosie, editor.
Servert, Andrea, editor.

Architecture of creative reuse


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 316641
Cote: 316641
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible


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