The art of critique / edited by Melanie Bühler.
Entrée principale:

Bühler, Melanie, editor.

Titre et auteur:

The art of critique / edited by Melanie Bühler.


First edition


Milano : Lenz Press [2022]


285 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 30 cm

This book is published as part of The Art of Critique, a project by the Frans Hals Museum, which consisted of a symposium (Color Critique, 2019); an exhibition (Image Power, 2020); artist commissions (Structure Critique, 2021); and a public program organized in collaboration with Rietveld Academie's Studium Generale.
Foreword: Onwards from the "Vineyards of Consciousness"... -- Introduction: The Art of Critique -- Karen Archey in Conversation with Andrea Fraser -- Introduction: Color Critique / Melanie Bühler -- "Is it a Color or Is It a Value?" / Lynne Kouassi and Daniel Morgenthaler -- White Cube and Black Box: The Metaphysics of Color in Art / Hito Steyerl -- Introduction: Image Critique / Melanie Bühler -- Exhibiting Views: Image Power, Frans Hals Museum, Haarlem, 2020. -- The Culture Pancade / Dena Yago -- Introduction: Structure Critique / Melanie Bühler -- Average price of a free life in 2863 / Clèmence Lollia Hilaire -- Who's at the Fans Hals Whoseum / Simon Fujiwara -- CANCELLED / Marlie Mul -- Art Basel Art Blasé / Erik van Lieshout -- Art is Our Business / Juan Uribe -- Naked City / Lloyd Corporation -- [] = / Becket MWN -- FKA: A Message From the Artists / D'Ette Nogle -- uHyachinth, Umbona noJacaranda / Simnikiwe Buhlungu -- Vanessa's / Marie Angeletti -- An Alternative Representation of a M,O,V,I,N,g D,o,c,u,m,e,n,t Whilst Simultaneously Critiquing R£o£m£a£n Amongst Other things / Ima-Abasi Okon -- Typeface dedicated to and named after Judith Leyster / Bea Schlingelhoff -- A Day in Ha(a)rlem / Monilola Olayemi Ilupeju and Ahmet Ög̈üt -- Institutional Critique L Expanding the Frame / Harry Burke -- The Pospersonal is Critical: On the Afterlives of Institutional Critique / Sven Lütticken -- On Institutional Change / Ute Meta Bauer, Sofia Hernández Chong Cuy, Alex Kitnick, Grace Ndirtu, Maria Inéa Plaza Lazo, and Melanie Bühler / Contributors.

We live in a moment in which institutions, including those central to the art world, are facing a surge of public scrutiny. Propelled by social media, profound questions about how institutions operate?whether structurally, politically, or financially?have become an increasingly prominent part of public life and discourse in recent years.0In this context, The Art of Critique revisits the artistic practice of institutional critique to ask what it means today, and to consider its ability to respond to the urgent social, political, and economic issues of our time. Taking works by Tracey Emin, Andrea Fraser, and Sarah Lucas in the collection of the Frans Hals Museum as a departure point, The Art of Critique uses a feminist approach to broaden and challenge traditional art historical definitions of institutional critique. These expanded forms of critique function as precursors to the practices of the contemporary artists presented as part of this project. Collectively, the contemporary works shed a new light on the legacy of institutional critique while addressing structural issues as wide-ranging as labor practices in the creative industry, city development, gender inequality, and the intertwined histories of capitalism and colonialism.00The publication documents the long-term project at the Frans Hals Museum (2019?22)?a symposium, Color Critique (chapter one); an exhibition, Image Power (chapter two: Image Critique); and artist commissions (chapter three: Structure Critique)?together with artworks, conversations, and newly commissioned and translated essays.




Frans Halsmuseum Exhibitions.
Frans Halsmuseum
Art, Modern 21st century Exhibitions.
Artists Interviews.
Art 21e siècle Expositions.
Artistes Entretiens.
Art, Modern


Exhibition catalogs

Vedettes secondaires:

Archey, Karen, author of introduction, etc.
Bauer, Ute Meta, contributor.
Bühler, Melanie, editor.
Frans Halsmuseum.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 316052
Cote: 316052
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible


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