Exploring Vancouver : ten tours of the city and its buildings / Harold Kalman & Robin Ward.
Entrée principale:

Kalman, Harold, 1943- author.

Titre et auteur:

Exploring Vancouver : ten tours of the city and its buildings / Harold Kalman & Robin Ward.


Fifth edition.


Madeira Park, BC : Harbour Publishing, [2023]


366 pages : colour illustrations, maps ; 23 cm

Previous edition has subtitle: The architectural guide.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Issued also in an electronic format.

"This new edition of the classic urban guidebook brings the city's architectural story up to date. Harold Kalman and Robin Ward, long-time chroniclers of Vancouver, offer an authoritative and highly readable book about Vancouver's most interesting places and explain how, why and by whom the city's urban environment was created. Containing more than four hundred entries, ten self-guided tours highlight significant buildings from all eras in the city and its metro region, and feature new projects that transform the skyline more radically than ever before. The tours--organized by neighbourhood and planned variously for walking, cycling, car and transit--reveal Vancouver in a constant state of reinvention, fuelled by real estate speculation, immigration and the egos of civic boosters, developers and architects. Today, this dynamic is colliding with architectural and urban planning responses to climate change. For the first time in the series, this edition includes the Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh peoples' role in the narrative, including information on several substantial local projects shaped by these communities and Nations. For wayfinding, entries are numbered and keyed to maps. A glossary of architectural terms and styles is provided. Exploring Vancouver is the perfect companion for curious visitors and citizens of this fascinating metropolis alike."-- Provided by publisher.


9781990776274 (softcover)
1990776272 (softcover)


Architecture British Columbia Vancouver Guidebooks.
Historic buildings British Columbia Vancouver Guidebooks.
Buildings British Columbia Vancouver Guidebooks.
Architecture Colombie-Britannique Vancouver Guides.
Maisons historiques Colombie-Britannique Vancouver Guides.
Constructions Colombie-Britannique Vancouver Guides.
Historic buildings
Vancouver (B.C.) Buildings, structures, etc. Guidebooks.
Vancouver (B.C.) Guidebooks.
Vancouver (B.C.) Tours.
Vancouver (C.-B.) Constructions Guides.
Vancouver (C.-B.) Guides.
Vancouver (C.-B.) Tours.
British Columbia Vancouver


travel guidebooks.
Guides touristiques.

Vedettes secondaires:

Ward, Robin, 1950- author.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 319409
Cote: 319409
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible


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