Architectures of weaving : from fibers and yarns to scaffolds and skins / Christiane Sauer, Mareike Stoll, Ebba Fransén Waldhör, Maxie Schneider (eds.).
Berlin : Jovis, [2023]
224 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 24 cm
"Architectures of Weaving bridges architecture and textile by exploring fiber architectures from the micro scale of biological systems to the macro scale of textile and built structures. Selected case studies, essays, and interviews reflect on cultural practices and materials research through the lens of textile thinking. In the quest for sustainable and resilient approaches that meet the challenges of our time, the book presents fascinating approaches heralding a paradigm shift by working with fibrous materiality: structures become flexible and adaptive, they interact with their environment. As a source of inspiration, the book assembles exceptional contributions from the fields of architecture, art, material science, cultural history, design, engineering, mathematics, microbiology, and textile technology."-- On back of cover.
9783868597394 (paperback)
Textile fabrics.
Textiles et tissus.
Sauer, Christiane, editor.
Stoll, Mareike, 1979- editor.
Waldhör, Ebba Fransén, editor.
Schneider, Maxie, editor.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 318329
Cote: 318329
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible
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