Otherwise, it would be just another river : ten years of Borderland Collective's practice in collaboration and dialogue / edited by Jason Reed and Molly Sherman.
First edition.
Leipzig : Spector Books, 2022.
247 pages : illustrations (some color), maps, portraits ; 24 cm
Otherwise, It Would Be Just Another River: Ten Years of Borderland Collective's Practice in Collaboration and Dialogue focuses on the participatory education and socially engaged art practices of Borderland Collective over the last 10 years. The book shares stories and collective knowledge about the US-Mexico border created by students, teachers, artists and community members in an array of Borderland Collective projects through poems, prose, photographs and drawings.
9783959055369 paperback
3959055366 paperback
Borderland Collective (Organization)
Photography in education.
Photography, Artistic.
Photographie en éducation.
Photographie artistique.
art photography.
Manners and customs
Mexican-American Border Region Pictorial works.
Presidio (Tex.) Social life and customs Pictorial works.
San Antonio (Tex.) Social life and customs Pictorial works.
Marfa (Tex.) Social life and customs Pictorial works.
Région frontalière mexicano-américaine Ouvrages illustrés.
North America Mexican-American Border Region
Texas Marfa
Texas Presidio
Texas San Antonio
Pictorial works
Reed, Jason, editor.
Sherman, Molly, editor, book designer.
Sprott, Ryan, contributor.
Gottesman, Eric, contributor.
Duganne, Erina, contributor.
Pérez de Miles, Adetty, contributor.
Menjivar, Mark, contributor.
Borderland Collective (Organization), issuing body.
Ten years of Borderland Collective's practice in collaboration and dialogue
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 318991
Cote: 318991
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible
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