Radical living : homes at the edge of architecture / [foreword by Dr Avi Friedman].
Titre et auteur:

Radical living : homes at the edge of architecture / [foreword by Dr Avi Friedman].


Melbourne : Images Publishing, 2024.


232 pages : color illustrations ; 23 cm


"What happens when an architect sets out to design the extraordinary, and by doing so challenges the established norms of the industry? A riot of inventive and ingenious residential structures to delight the eye and gladden the soul. This book decodes a wide selection of stunning experimental designs. By shaking off any limitations and seeking to challenge established design conventions, and using architectural ingenuity and modern technical aspiration, these carefully selected architects show how they develop bold and striking designs that will serve as inspiration for years to come, creating home designs that are both out of left field and can take residential ingenuity to the next level. This edition is lavishly illustrated with crisp and evocative full-colour images of the architecture, with insight from the architect detailing their inspiration and the challenges encountered through the designing and building processes. Whether it be a uniquely challenging location, the decision to use materials in innovative ways, or simply experimenting with a new design shape, the works featured within these pages challenge the everyday notions of what a residence should be. Through these pages, the reader is drawn into a beautiful journey through a diverse range of truly beautiful homes as imagined - and realised - by some of the best architectural visionaries of our time"--Publisher's description.


9781864708646 hardcover
1864708646 hardcover


Architecture, Domestic Pictorial works.
Architecture, Domestic Designs and plans.
Architecture domestique Dessins et plans.
Architecture, Domestic


Architectural drawings

Vedettes secondaires:

Friedman, Avi, 1952- writer of foreword.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Commandé


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