A house deconstructed : Office of (Un)certainty Research / Mark Jarzombek + Vikramaditya Prakash.
Entrée principale:

Jarzombek, Mark, author.

Titre et auteur:

A house deconstructed : Office of (Un)certainty Research / Mark Jarzombek + Vikramaditya Prakash.


New York, NY : Actar Publishers, 2023.


259 pages : color illustrations ; 24 cm


We would like to think that we "know" what goes into making a modern building. But the truth is that no one, not even architects, knows. The OUR [Office for Uncertainty Research] spent three years studying a single, relatively modest modern house located in Seattle, WA. The research focused on four vectors: Atomic Consciousness that dates back to the Big Bang and the earliest Super Novas; Production Consciousness that involves a vast array of ingredients that are combined to make architectural products; Labor Consciousness that spans a wide spectrum of temporal and economic conditions; and Source Consciousness that is multilayered and global in its reach. Though much was learned, it became clear that a huge proportion of what we "know" about the house was unknowable, not because our epistemological instruments aren't strong enough or calibrated precisely enough, but because things themselves are indeterminate, uncertain. This begs the question about agency. If we are to critique our profession and even improve some of its claims about Sustainability, then we must develop a more robust understanding of the building industry and the sourcing and making of materials. We must even develop a stronger awareness of the history of atoms and how architecture brings that history into a remarkable focus.


9781638400523 paperback
1638400520 paperback


Architecture, Modern Philosophy.
Building materials.
Raw materials.
Construction Matériaux.
Matières premières.
building materials.
raw material.
Architecture, Modern
Washington (State) Seattle

Vedettes secondaires:

Prakash, Vikramaditya, author.

House deconstructed : Office of Uncertainty Research


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 319310
Cote: 319310
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible


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