XXVIII Bienal colombiana de arquitectura y urbanismo 2022 / direccion general, Alfredo Manuel Reyes Rojas ; dirección editorial, Mauricio Uribe González ; textos introductorios y complementarios, Alberto Saldarriaga Roa [and four others].
Entrée principale:

Bienal Colombiana de Arquitectura y Urbanismo (28th : 2022 : Bogota, Colombia),

Titre et auteur:

XXVIII Bienal colombiana de arquitectura y urbanismo 2022 / direccion general, Alfredo Manuel Reyes Rojas ; dirección editorial, Mauricio Uribe González ; textos introductorios y complementarios, Alberto Saldarriaga Roa [and four others].


Bogotá, Colombia : Sociedad Colombiana de Arquitectos, 2022.


456 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), charts, facsimiles, maps, plans ; 30 cm

No. 28 (2022)-.
Parallel texts in Spanish and English.

Winning projects of the 28th Colombian Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism. The Colombian Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism, consolidating itself as a distinguished event in the world of architecture for the last 6 decades. This cultural and academic meeting, organized since 1962 by the Sociedad Colombiana de Arquitectos (SCA), aims to select the most significant works and works in the different fields of architecture, executed and finished in the national territory during the five years prior to the call. The Biennial highlights mainly those projects whose quality contributes to preserve and improve the urban, historical, environmental, social and cultural values of the environment in which they have been carried out. Since its creation in 1962 and up to the 2020 version, a total of about 6,250 projects have been presented in the different categories of the Biennial. Of these, throughout its 27 editions, recognition has been granted among winners and mentions to 408 projects nationwide. Similarly, it is important to remember that within the framework of the Biennale, the National Architecture and Urbanism Award has been awarded to 27 projects, all of them recognized for their excellence and quality. Within this select group we are honored to remember Maestro Rogelio Salmona, whose work received this important recognition 4 times. Our 2020 Biennial mentioned the global situation generated by Covid-19 and asked us an interesting question: What role should architecture, urbanism and research assume in times of pandemic? Health crises represent, as has already been seen in the history of architecture, opportunities to review the social, environmental, and cultural sense, as well as direct responsibility in the control of built space. The pandemic is presented as an eloquent sign and a catalyst of the problems that the built space has, understood as a mediator and facilitator of relationships, habits, rites. The architectural and urban space, then, constitutes a fundamental variable in the recomposition of what has been called the "new normality", of which traces will surely remain in what is currently being thought and built. That is why, in response to this reflection and in response to the mandate set forth by the highest authority in architecture worldwide, the International Union of Architects - UIA, who declared 2022 the year of design for health, we have decided accept the motto of the Colombian Biennial of Architecture Architecture for Health, understanding that the contribution of our profession occurs in three spheres: the health of the planet, social health and human health. All of the above is derived from the thematic and conceptual axis for the collective construction of the document called: Territory and City Manifesto of the SCA, produced during the Covid-19 pandemic and where the programmatic and future agendas of our organization emerge. This will allow us to cover topics as interesting as: Sustainability, urban resilience, healthy cities, environmental urbanism, circular economy, healthy public space, scenarios for urban life, improvement of informal habitats, biotectonics, accessibility, care teams, mobility, hospital equipment and healthy buildings, among others.


Architecture Colombia History 21st century Congresses.
Architecture Colombia History 20th century Congresses.
Architecture Colombie Histoire 21e siècle Congrès.
Architecture Colombie Histoire 20e siècle Congrès.


Conference papers and proceedings

Vedettes secondaires:

Reyes Rojas, Alfredo Manuel, editor.
Uribe González, Mauricio, editor.
Saldarriaga Roa, Alberto, writer of supplementary textual content.

28. bienal colombiana de arquitectura y urbanismo 2022
Vigésima séptima bienal colombiana de arquitectura y urbanismo 2022


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 319162
Cote: 319162
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible


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