The new Experimenta in Heilbronn / edited by Louisa Hutton and Matthias Sauerbruch ; texts by Florian Heilmeyer.
Zurich : Lars Müller Publishers, [2023]
127 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), plans ; 24 cm
This modest booklet examines the architecture of the new Experimenta Science Centre in Heilbronn from three different angles: In terms of urban history, this building - which was designed by sauerbruch hutton - simultaneously stands as an icon and a tool for change that accompanies its city into a new economy of knowledge. As a construction, it follows its own experimental path, both in organisational, structural and ecological terms. Finally, the project is a late offspring of a typological family of spiral buildings which stretches from antiquity via the modern movement up to the very present. All three perspectives are captured in Florian Heilmayer's concise and lucid texts and are illustrated by numerous photos and drawings. Both for Experimenta visitors as well as other interested contemporaries this little pamphlet is a must.
9783037787229 (English edition ; paperback)
Sauerbruch Hutton Architects.
Architecture Germany Heilbronn.
Architecture Allemagne Heilbronn.
Heilbronn (Germany) Buildings, structures, etc.
Germany Heilbronn
Hutton, Louisa, 1957- editor.
Sauerbruch, Matthias, 1955- editor.
Heilmeyer, Florian, writer of added commentary.
Sauerbruch Hutton Architects.
New Experimenta in Heilbronn by Sauerbruch Hutton
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 319560
Cote: 319560
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible
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