On architecture and greenwashing / editor, Charlotte Malterre-Barthes.
Berlin, Germany : Hatje Cantz, [2024]
119 pages : illustrations, facsimile ; 18 cm.
The political economy of space ; vol. 1
As an industry that relies on extracted materials and an intense use of resources, isn't construction unsustainable by design? The pressure is increasing for the sector to diligently address the harm caused by the built environment, begging the question of whether real sustainability in architecture and planning is possible. As institutionalized and commodified greenwashing hollows out the term, how do architects and designers position their work beyond the inadequacy of a flattening universalistic understanding of sustainability? What forms of practice allow for accountable and revolutionized construction modes? How can we critically engage with technology as an ambivalent tool in the service of green capitalism. The first volume of a forthcoming series by RIOT--Research and Innovation On Territory, a laboratory within the Institute of Architecture at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), On Architecture and Greenwashing presents a cross-section of positions on architecture and its political economies and explores ways to correct course in the face of a climate crisis of unprecedented magnitude-- beyond greenwashing. RIOT--Research and Innovation On Territory--is a laboratory engaged in pedagogy and research within the Institute of Architecture at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), led by architect and urban designer CHARLOTTE MALTERRE-BARTHES. Believing that the construction sector and design disciplines must pivot and wholeheartedly engage in the current social and climatic urgencies by rewiring themselves to face and repair the harm, RIOT utilizes tactics and strategies to decarbonize, decolonize, and depatriarchalize space production--by design.
3775756744 (paperback)
9783775756747 (paperback)
9783775756846 (ePDF)
3775756841 (ePDF)
Architecture Environmental aspects.
Sustainable architecture.
Sustainable buildings Design and construction.
Architecture Aspect de l'environnement.
Architecture durable.
Malterre-Barthes, Charlotte, editor.
Political economy of space ; vol. 1
Localisation: Bibliothèque main y 320243
Cote: 320243
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible
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