Coccia, Emanuele, author.
Philosophy of the home : domestic space and happiness / Emanuele Coccia ; translated from the Italian by Richard Dixon.
[London] : Penguin Books, 2024.
viii, 191 pages ; 18 cm.
Penguin classics
"A bedroom, a kitchen, a bathroom - are these rooms all that make a home? Not at all, argues Emanuele Coccia. The buildings we inhabit are of immense psychological and cultural significance. They play a decisive role in human flourishing and, for hundreds of years, their walls and walkways, windows and doorways have guided our relationships with others and with ourselves. They reflect and reinforce social inequalities; they allow us to celebrate and cherish those we love. They are the places of return that allow us to venture out into the world. In this intimate, elegantly argued account, Coccia shows how the architecture of home has shaped, and continues to shape, our psyches and our societies, before then masterfully leading us towards a more creative, ecological way of dwelling in the world"
9781802061017 paperback
1802061010 paperback
Coccia, Emanuele Homes and haunts.
Home Philosophy.
Home Psychological aspects.
Domestic space Philosophy.
Happiness Philosophy.
Room layout (Dwellings) Philosophy.
Personal space Philosophy.
Foyer Philosophie.
Espace domestique Philosophie.
Bonheur Philosophie.
Habitations Aménagement Philosophie.
Espace personnel Philosophie.
Foyer Aspect psychologique.
Dixon, Richard, translator.
Penguin classics.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Commandé
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