Commons in design / with Rachel Armstrong [and twenty-one others] ; Christine Schranz (ed.).
Titre et auteur:

Commons in design / with Rachel Armstrong [and twenty-one others] ; Christine Schranz (ed.).


Amsterdam : Valiz, 2023.


352 pages : color illustrations, maps ; 23 cm

Published in connection to the conference of the same name held at FHNW Academy of Art and Design in Basel, Switzerland, February 15-17, 2023.
Includes bibliographical references and index
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Preface -- Introduction: Commons for Design, Design for Commons / Christine Schranz -- I. Design, Identities, and Working Environment. Our Everyday: The Intangible yet Tangible Tensions between Commonality, Contrast, and Co-operation within Design Education / Nan O'Sullivan -- De-Anthropocentrizing the Microbial Commons / Rachel Armstrong -- Do We Need Mediators for the Commons? / Katherin Gutiérrez Herrera -- Product Design in the Desert: Centring a Commons Approach in Design Practice / Elpitha Tsoutsounakis -- Workshop Matters: How Can Access to Co-Workshop Spaces Change a Designer's Practice? / Victoria Paeva -- Errant Design: Design(ing) Without Solutions -- An Exploration of Associative Principles for an Errant Design Practice / Errantry Media Lab (max stearns & nathalie attallah) and the multitudes of i's and we's contained herein -- II. Design, Body, and Ecology. Materiality of Common Good Objects / Torange Khonsari -- From Rhetoric to Realpolitik: The Optimism of Design Commons Discourse / Sharon Prendeville & Cindy Kohtala -- Tracing the Commons through Clay / Daniela Salgado Cofré and Álvaro Mercado Jara -- Commoning Fashion: From Having to Being-With the World / Jennifer Whitty -- Obtrusive Relationships: Commons in Design with a Particular Focus on Human De-Centred Design / Eva Verhoeven -- III. Design, Networks, and Digital Making. Lo-Tech is the New Hi-Tech / Zoe Romano -- Reparatory Design: Sustainable Ecologies of Embodied Practices, Vulnerable Knowledge, and Resilient Methodologies in Barcelona / Luis Guerra -- A Vocabulary for Digital Commoning Methods / Juan Gomez & Gregoire Rousseau -- Taking Back Our Commons: Social Media APIs as Subversive Tools / Cyrus Khalatbari & Rilla Khaled -- Gleaning for the Commons: A Post-Petroleum Mossmorran Centre for Ecology and Economy / Yuhe Ge.
Note biographique:

Christine Schranz is Head of Research at the Institute Contemporary Design Practices (ICDP) of FHNW Academy of Art and Design in Basel.


9789493246300 (paperback)
9493246302 (paperback)


Communication in design Congresses.
Information commons Congresses.
Communication en design Congrès.
Carrefours de l'information et de l'apprentissage Congrès.
Communication in design
Information commons


proceedings (reports)
Conference papers and proceedings
Actes de congrès.

Vedettes secondaires:

Armstrong, Rachel, 1966- contributor.
Schranz, Christine, editor, contributor.
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, host institution.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Commandé


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