Imagining paradise : the Richard and Ronay Menschel Library at George Eastman House, Rochester / Sheila J. Foster, Manfred Heiting, Rachel Stuhlman, editors.
Titre et auteur:

Imagining paradise : the Richard and Ronay Menschel Library at George Eastman House, Rochester / Sheila J. Foster, Manfred Heiting, Rachel Stuhlman, editors.


Göttingen : Steidl ; London : Thames & Hudson [distributor], 2007.


287 pages : color illustrations ; 33 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 278-283) and indexes.
Preface / Anthony Bannon -- Editors' statement / Sheila J. Foster, Manfred Heiting, and Rachel Stuhlman -- Portrait of a library / Sheila J. Foster and Rachel Stuhlman -- Before photography : photosophia / Sheila J. Foster -- Playbooks / Grant B. Romer -- Daguerre in the library / Grant B. Romer -- The daguerreotype translated / Rachel Stuhlman -- Southworth & Hawes and the business of daguerreotypy / Sheila J. Foster -- The paper multiple : Talbot's invention and early photographic books / Larry J. Schaaf -- Reports on the Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations / Saskia Asser -- Reverie and description : Maxime Du Camp, Francis Frith, and the exploration of the Middle East / Julian Cox -- An early history of the medium : Blanquart-Evrard / Steven F. Joseph -- Bucolic landscape, romantic ruins, and travelers' memento / Sheila J. Foster and Rachel Stuhlman -- Specimens : under the lens / Sheila J. Foster -- The stereoscopic illusion / Sheila J. Foster -- India : the jewel in the crown / Lindsey S. Stewart -- Travel and exploration / Rachel Stuhlman -- Far East / Denise B. Bethel -- Images of the illustrious, portraits of celebrity / Sheila J. Foster -- Literary observations / Rachel Stuhlman -- Cataloging, enumerating, and possessing / Rachel Stuhlman -- Going by the book / Mark Osterman -- Paper sample books / Mark Osterman -- Nineteenth-century photographic journals / Mark Osterman -- Early photojournalism / Rachel Stuhlman -- Documentation of war / Rachel Stuhlman -- Emerson's vision / Ellen Handy -- The International Movement of art photography / Steven F. Joseph -- Alfred Stieglitz's key type set : Camera notes, Camera work, and 291 / Sheila J. Foster -- Alvin Langdon Coburn / Pamela G. Roberts -- George Eastman House publications / Rachel Stuhlman.
Table of contents

9783865214621 (hbk.)
3865214622 (hbk.)


George Eastman House. Richard and Ronay Menschel Library Catalogs.
George Eastman House. Richard and Ronay Menschel Library
Photography, Artistic Catalogs.
Photography History Catalogs.
Photographie artistique Catalogues.
Photographie Histoire Catalogues.
Photography, Artistic
Fotoböcker historia.
Fotokonst böcker.


catalogs (documents)

Vedettes secondaires:

Foster, Sheila J.
Heiting, Manfred.
Stuhlman, Rachel.
George Eastman House.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 256395
Cote: BIB 186757
Statut: Disponible


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