Perles, Abel, 1972- author.
Productora : some realized projects, 2014-22 = Productora : algunos proyectos realizados, 2014-22 / Abel Perles [and three others].
Amsterdam : Roma Publications, [2023]
214 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 30 cm.
ROMA publication ; 456
"Book with recent work of Mexico City based architectural studio PRODUCTORA, founded by Abel Perles, Carlos Bedoya, Victor Jaime and Wonne Ickx. In creating buildings that function, delight, stimulate and are likely to withstand tectonic fads as well as telluric shifts, all without ever compromising the restless intellectual curiosity at its heart, PRODUCTORA is the rare architecture studio that can have its cake and eat it too. This book is both a compendium and a promise of this singularity. A survey of the groundwork laid out over a decade, and a presage of what is possible as these foundations continue to be built upon."--Publisher information.
9789464460445 (pbk.)
946446044X (pbk.)
Productora (Firm)
Architecture, Modern 21st century.
Architecture Mexico.
Architecture 21e siècle.
Architecture Mexique.
Productora (Firm)
ROMA publication ; 456.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 319364
Cote: 319364
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible
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