The mapping of the American Southwest / edited by Dennis Reinhartz and Charles C. Colley.
First edition
College Station : Texas A & M University Press, [1987]
Typeset by Metricomp, Inc.
Printed Offset by Thomson-Shore, Inc.
Bound by John H. Dekker & Sons
xv, 83 pages, 7 unnumbered pages of plates : color maps ; 27 cm
0890962375 (alk. paper)
9780890962374 (alk. paper)
Cartography Southwestern States History Congresses.
Cartographie États-Unis (Sud-Ouest) Histoire Congrès.
History of cartography. [Literature].
Discoveries in geography
Southwestern States Maps Congresses.
Southwestern States Discovery and exploration Congresses.
États-Unis (Sud-Ouest) Cartes Congrès.
États-Unis (Sud-Ouest) Découverte et exploration Congrès.
United States of America. [Literature] 1987.
United States Southwestern States
USA Südweststaaten
proceedings (reports)
Conference papers and proceedings
Actes de congrès.
Cartes géographiques.
Reinhartz, Dennis, editor.
Colley, Charles C., editor.
Buisseret, David. Spanish and French mapping of the Gulf of Mexico in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
Reinhartz, Dennis. Herman Moll, geographer : an early eighteenth-century European view of the American Southwest.
Martin, Robert Sidney. United States Army mapping in Texas, 1848-50.
Tyner, Judith A. Images of the Southwest in nineteenth-century American atlases.
Localisation: Bibliothèque study room 38274
Cote: ID GA408.5.S68 REF; ID:88-B9139
Statut: Disponible
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