Le Corbusier, 1887-1965, artist, author.
Album Punjab, 1951 / Le Corbusier ; introduction and commentary by Maristella Casciato ; photographs by Pierre Jeanneret ; transcription and translation of Le Corbusier's writing in his sketchbook, Francesco Passanti (French-English) ; translation (commentary), Domenico Biscardi (Italian-French), Thomas DePasquale (Italian-English), Myriam Ochoa-Suel (English-French).
Facsimile edition with commentary.
Zurich, Switzerland : Lars Müller Publishers, [2024]
143 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), facsimiles ; 32 cm + 1 booklet of facsimiles (60 unnumbered pages) + 1 sheet (facsimile ; 30 x 21 cm)
"Le Corbusier embarked on his first visit to the Indian state of Punjab in 1951 in anticipation of the planning and construction of Chandigarh. He travelled lightly. Included in his luggage was a notebook, which he would use to record his first impressions of the local culture and environment and document his ideas for the modern city. Made widely available for the first time as a facsimile, Le Corbusier's original notebook has been transcribed, translated, and contextualized.This publication grants new insight into the everyday circumstances under which Le Corbusier, together with a close-knit group of architects, forged their masterplan for Chandigarh, a city which continues to fascinate architects and historians alike because it is a landmark of modern architecture."-- On back of slipcase.
"This reprint of the notebook Album Punjab Simla. Chandigarh, mars 1951 kept by Le Corbusier (1887-1965) during his two-week visit to the Indian state of Punjab in anticipation of the planning and construction of Chandigarh, presents his written or sketched memos and personal reflections as well as notes and schematic solutions elaborated during meetings. The Album Punjab constitutes a primary source for reconstructing the topics addressed by the small team of architects and governmental officials who in only a few days developed the outlines of the Chandigarh plan.The spiralbound notebook facsimile is accompanied by a paperback volume featuring previously unpublished photographs taken by Le Corbusier's cousin Pierre Jeanneret (1896-1967) during this early expedition. The detailed commentary by architectural historian Maristella Casciato reflects upon the variety of topics assembled in the notebook and retraces the story of these days in which the new capital city was planned. By transcribing Le Corbusier's famously illegible handwriting in French and English, this book allows its readers complete access to the architect's mind."
9783037787069 (paperback in slipcase)
Le Corbusier, 1887-1965.
Architecture India Chandīgarh History.
Architecture, Modern 20th century.
City planning India Chandīgarh History 20th century.
City planning India Chandīgarh Pictorial works.
ruimtelijke ordening
facsimile (vorm)
Architecture Inde Chandigarh Histoire.
Architecture 20e siècle.
Chandīgarh (India) History 20th century.
Punjab (staat)
Casciato, Maristella, writer of added commentary.
Jeanneret, Pierre, 1896-1967, photographer (expression)
Passanti, Francesco, translator, editor.
Biscardi, Domenico, translator.
DePasquale, Thomas, translator.
Ochos-Suel, Myriam, translator.
Original sketchbook title on both facsimile covers: Croquis, dessin
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 320512
Cote: 320512
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible
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