Architecture after war : a reader / edited by Bohdan Kryzhanovskyi = Архітектура після війни : дoбiркa / За редакцією Богдана Крижановського. Architecture after war : a reader / edited by Bohdan Kryzhanovskyi = Arkhitektura pisli︠a︡ viĭny : dobirka / za redakt︠s︡ii︠e︡i︠u︡︡︡ Bohdana Kryzhanovskoho.
London : Mack, CANactions 2024
257 pages : illustrations : 19 cm
"This publication, co-published with Ukrainian platform CANactions, brings together wide-ranging essays on the subject of post-war reconstruction. Produced in the light of the current invasion of Ukraine, it covers a spectrum of historical examples and geographic contexts to navigate the challenges and opportunities that define post-war reconstruction and war-related issues within the field of architecture. Considering urban planning, education, building materials, and innovative spatial relations, it centres around the human experience of the built environment in the aftermath of war. With a preface by editor Bohdan Kryzhanovsky, this reader presents theoretical and practical explorations of an urgently timely topic, offering a basis for wider conversation as well as a handbook of ideas for architects and planners and a pragmatic guide for shaping the future of Ukrainian cities. With essays by Gruia Badescu, Jan Knikker and Fokke Moerel, Silke Langenberg, Peter Larkham, John Pendlebury, Wendy Pullan, Andrea Urushima, Lynnette Widder, and Patrick Zamarian."-- Provided by publisher.
9781915743411 (paperback)
1915743419 (paperback)
Architecture, Modern 20th century.
Architecture and war.
Architecture and society.
Buildings Repair and reconstruction.
City planning.
Architecture 20e siècle.
Architecture et guerre.
Architecture et société.
Architecture, Modern
Kryzhanovskyi, Bohdan, editor.
Arkhitektura pisli︠a︡ viĭny : dobirka
Architecture after war : a reader / edited by Bohdan Kryzhanovskyi = Архітектура після війни : дoбiркa / За редакцією Богдана Крижановського.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 320454
Cote: 320454
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible
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