Jeff Wall : works and collected writings / Michael Newman.
Titre et auteur:

Jeff Wall : works and collected writings / Michael Newman.


[Barcelona?] : Poligrafa Ediciones Sa, 2007.


389 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 26 cm


20-21 collection

Includes bibliographical references.
Michael Newman. -- Introduction: the photograph as picture and prose poem -- The reinvigoration of the western tableau and the transformation of the photograph -- Gesture and time -- Natural history, life and death -- Transmission and medium: the economy of photography -- Light, darkness, and the world -- Jeff Wall writings. -- Dan Graham's Kammerspiel -- Unity and fragmentation in Manet -- Into the forest: two sketches for studies of Rodney Graham's work -- An outline of a context for Stephan Balkenhol's work -- Roy Arden: an artist and his models -- Monochrome and photojournalism in On Kawara's today paintings -- "Marks of indifference": aspects of photography in, or as, conceptual art.

"Jeff Wall's large-scale Cibachrome transparencies mounted on light-boxes have exerted a profound influence over little short of the past three decades. His work also spans a time in which the way in which the relationship between art and history has been conceived has undergone a profound change. He is one of the last artists to work out his "moves" on the basis of a linear view of history and then to have to rethink the relationship of his work with art history in a world in which such a view of history was no longer tenable." "His compositions in both color and black-and-white maintain a constant dialogue with nineteenth-century genre painting and truly make him, in Charles Baudelaire's expression, "a painter of modern life."" "In addition to an in-depth essay by Michael Newman, this book reproduces the complete work of Jeff Wall to date and includes his main writings on the creative experience of other key contemporary artists."--Jacket


9788434311312 (hardcover)
8434311313 (hardcover)


Wall, Jeff, 1946-
Wall, Jeff.
21.40 photographic art: general.
Fotokonst Kanada 1945-

Vedettes secondaires:

Wall, Jeff, 1946-
Newman, Michael.
20-21 collection.

Works and collected writings


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 254180
Cote: BIB 184051
Statut: Disponible


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