Lukez, Paul, 1958-
Suburban transformations / Paul Lukez.
New York : Papress ; Enfield : Publishers Group UK [distributor], 2007.
pages cm
"Both a work of theory and a practical tool for suburban community planning, Suburban Transformations introduces the Adaptive Design Process, a method that allows for the organic transformation of communities from suburbs and edge cities that lack a sense of place into communities with their own distinct identity and unique character. In order to stimulate the authentic and fluid evolution of a sustainable community, this process draws important information from a site's history, building upon it by projecting into the future with a series of transformations of buildings, programs, and infrastructure, to create a more habitable and memorable environment.
Five case studies provide fully expressed examples of the process, beginning with a sophisticated system of mapping and culminating in computer projections of likely future outcomes, giving the designer the ability to envision changes in the community fabric and adding that knowledge to the designer's kit of place-making tools."--BOOK JACKET.
9781568986838 (pbk.)
1568986831 (pbk.)
City planning.
Architecture and society.
Community life.
Architecture et société.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 254051
Cote: BIB 183898
Statut: Disponible
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