Angelotti, Martina.
Visible : Art as Policies for Care Socially Engaged Art : (2010-Ongoing) / edited by Martina Angelotti, Matteo Lucchetti, Judith Wielander.
Rome : Nero , 2024
336 pages : color photography ; 23 cm.
The book Visible: Art as Policies for Care. Socially Engaged Art (2010-Ongoing) was born from the editors' enduring curatorial research into long-term situated art projects that exist within the social sphere, beyond the logic of the traditional art system, confronting unjust systems, and prefiguring novel visions for living together. The socially engaged art projects collected here hold a significant place in the constantly evolving trans-local art scene of the past two decades, and form a lens through which to observe changing realities and their urgencies; they redefine the concept of art in light of current climatic, political, and social changes and foster the dematerialization of the artwork in processes that become policies of culture and care. The book is composed of four main sections with overarching photo documentation--interviews, essays, forums, and short literary texts--collecting contributions by artists, anthropologists, novelists, activists, and sociologists, such as Anna Tsing, Wissal Houbabi, Maria Thereza Alves, Tania Bruguera, Jonas Staal, DAAR - Decolonizing Architecture Art Research, Giuseppe Campuzano and Nan Goldin.
Art and society.
Art and Social Aspects.
Cultural policy.
Art et société.
Politique culturelle.
Exhibition catalogs.
Lucchetti, Matteo, 1984-
Wielander, Judith.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 320661
Cote: 320661
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible
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