RIBA book of British housing : 1900 to the present day / Ian Colquhoun.
Entrée principale:

Colquhoun, Ian.

Titre et auteur:

RIBA book of British housing : 1900 to the present day / Ian Colquhoun.


2nd ed. / foreword by Jack Pringle.


Amsterdam ; London : Architectural, 2008.


xiv, 401 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), maps (some color) ; 25 cm

Previous edition: published as RIBA book of 20th century British housing. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1999.
Previous ed.: published as RIBA book of 20th century British housing. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1999.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 373-377) and index.
London -- The English regions -- Eastern England -- The Midlands -- North-east England -- North-west England -- Southern England -- South-west England -- Yorkshire and Humberside -- Wales -- Scotland -- Inter-war years policies -- Years of ambition : 1945-1979 -- Post 1979 : a new culture -- Northern Ireland -- Projects.
Current Copyright Fee: GBP28.00 0.

"First published in 1999, the RIBA Book of British Housing arose from Ian Colquhoun's membership of the RIBA Housing Group. It responded to an enormous interest in British housing design amongst architects, planners, housing professionals, students and others in the UK and internationally. It has served as both a guide to the most significant schemes built since 1900 and a resource for practitioners in housing development." "This new edition includes schemes built since the turn of this century, both new housing and regeneration. These illustrate the wealth of design talent that exists in the UK. There is a new determination amongst so many people involved in housing development to strive for better design as an essential part of creating affordable and sustainable homes in a high quality living environment. The book provides an historic overview and describes and illustrates projects with key plans, drawings and 300 photographs."--Jacket.


9780750682541 (pbk.)
075068254X (pbk.)


Dwellings Great Britain Design and construction.
Architecture, Domestic Great Britain.
Habitations Construction Grande-Bretagne.
Architecture, Domestic.
Dwellings Design and construction.
Great Britain.

Vedettes secondaires:

Colquhoun, Ian. RIBA book of 20th century British housing.
Pringle, Jack, 1952-
Royal Institute of British Architects.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 259555
Cote: BIB 190466
Statut: Disponible


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