Reading Gothic Architecture Conference (2005 : East Sussex, England)
Reading Gothic architecture / [edited by] Matthew M. Reeve.
Turnhout, Belgium : Brepols, [2008]
vii, 160 pages : illustrations, plans ; 28 cm
Studies in the visual cultures of the Middle Ages ; vol. 1
"The Gothic style is now one of the supreme products of Medieval and Renaissance visual culture. Subject to multiple readings and (re)interpretations from ca. 1500 to the present, Gothic stands as one of two dominant languages of European historical architecture. This volume explores methods of reading and interpreting the Gothic from the twelfth through the sixteenth century. Following the editor's introduction, it contains ten essays written by leading scholars from Canada, the United States, and Great Britain. In challenging the traditional parameters of Gothic, the papers explore 'Medieval' and 'Renaissance' manifestations of the Gothic, and they consider material ranging geographically from Ireland to Poland, and from Paris to Sicily. Each paper explores ways in which Gothic was or could be read by the contemporary viewers for which it was designed, and by post-modern commentators. In placing the act of reading at the centre of their investigations, the papers offer significant new insights into the forms and meanings of the Gothic."--Jacket
Architecture, Gothic Congresses.
Church architecture Europe History Congresses.
Church buildings Europe History Congresses.
Architecture gothique Congrès.
Architecture chrétienne Europe Histoire Congrès.
Church buildings
Church architecture
Architecture, Gothic
Italien Süd
Kongress Herstmonceux 2005.
Conference papers (document genres)
proceedings (reports)
Conference papers and proceedings
Actes de congrès.
Reeve, Matthew M., editor.
Bader International Study Centre, host institution.
Studies in the visual cultures of the Middle Ages ; v. 1.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 301998
Cote: BIB 248208
Statut: Disponible
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