Provoking magic : lighting of Ingo Maurer / Kim Hastreiter [and others].
1st ed.
New York, NY : Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, Smithsonian Instituttion : Distributed by Assouline Publishing, ©2007.
160 pages (some folded) : color illustrations ; 26 cm
Maurer constructs luminouw atmospheres that play with the traditional concepts of color, brightness, and shadow. This exhibition presents a broad array of Maurer's iconic works, remounted and reconceived specifically for this project, as well as never-before-seen works created for this exhibition.
Maurer, Ingo, 1932- Exhibitions.
Maurer, Ingo, 1932- Interviews.
Maurer, Ingo.
Maurer, Ingo, 1932-
Lighting, Architectural and decorative Exhibitions.
Lighting, Architectural and decorative
Exhibition catalogs
Maurer, Ingo, 1932-
Hastreiter, Kim.
Cooper-Hewitt Museum.
Lighting of Ingo Maurer
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 319264
Cote: 319264
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible
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