The world beyond the windshield : roads and landscapes in the United States and Europe / edited by Christof Mauch and Thomas Zeller ; foreword by David E. Nye.
Titre et auteur:

The world beyond the windshield : roads and landscapes in the United States and Europe / edited by Christof Mauch and Thomas Zeller ; foreword by David E. Nye.


Athens, Ohio : Ohio University Press ; Stuttgart : Franz Steiner Verlag, ©2008.


xv, 283 pages : illustrations, map ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 211-270) and index.
Driving cultures and the meaning of roads : some comparative examples / Rudy J. Koshar -- The rise and decline of the American parkway / Timothy Davis -- The scenic is political : creating natural and cultural landscapes along America's Blue Ridge Parkway / Anne Mitchell Whisnant -- "A feeling almost beyond description" : scenic roads in South Dakota's Custer state park, 1919-32 / Suzanne Julin -- "Neon, junk, and ruined landscape" : competing visions of America's roadsides and the highway beautification act of 1965 / Carl A. Zimring -- A rough modernization : landscapes and highways in twentieth-century Italy / Massimo Moraglio -- Building and rebuilding the landscape of the Autobahn, 1930-70 / Thomas Zeller -- Socialist highways? Appropriating the Autobahn in the German Democatic Republic / Axel Dossmann -- "'Beautified' is a vile phrase" : the politics and aesthetics of landscaping roads in pre- and postwar Britain / Peter Merriman -- Physical and social constructions of the Capital Beltway / Jeremy L. Korr.
Current Copyright Fee: GBP16.95 0.

For better or worse, the view through a car's windshield has redefined how we see the world around us. In some cases, such as the American parkway, the view the road was the be-all and end-all of the highway; in others, such as the Italian autostrada, the view of a fast, efficient transportation machine celebrating either Fascism or its absence was the goal. These varied environments are neither necessary nor accidental but the outcomes of historical negotiations, and whether we abhor them or take delight in them, they have become part of the fabric of human existence.


9780821417676 (alk. paper)
0821417673 (alk. paper)
9783515091701 (alk. paper)
351509170X (alk. paper)
9780821417683 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
0821417681 (pbk. ; alk. paper)


Roadside improvement United States.
Roadside improvement Europe.
Scenic byways United States.
Scenic byways Europe.
Routes Abords Aménagement États-Unis.
Routes Abords Aménagement Europe.
Routes touristiques Europe.
Roadside improvement
Scenic byways
Routes Bords Aménagement États-Unis.
Routes Bords Aménagement Europe.
Routes touristiques France États-Unis.
Routes touristiques France Europe.
Vägar historia Förenta staterna.
Vägar historia Europa.
Landskapsarkitektur historia Förenta staterna.
Landskapsarkitektur historia Europa.
United States

Vedettes secondaires:

Mauch, Christof.
Zeller, Thomas, 1966-


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 275437
Cote: BIB 209675
Statut: Disponible


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