Del Tredici, Robert.
At work in the fields of the bomb / photographs and text by Robert Del Tredici ; introduction by Jonathan Schell.
New York : Perennial Library, ©1987.
xi, 192 pages : illustrations ; 29 cm
"For six years I have been putting together a body of basic imagery to render visible the Bomb and all its works. I want to open up a window on the Bomb with photographs and interviews so people will be able to view the nuclear arsenal at its source. My purpose is to give the collection imagination something accurate and graphic to hang onto as it strives to come to terms with the Bomb's reality"--Preface.
0060961643 (pbk.)
9780060961640 (pbk.)
Nuclear weapons United States.
Nuclear weapons United States Pictorial works.
Nuclear weapons
United States
illustrated books.
Illustrated works
Ouvrages illustrés.
Localisation: Bibliothèque study room photo 3560
Cote: TR140.D356 D4 1987
Statut: Disponible
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