The Documented image : visions in art history / edited by Gabriel P. Weisberg, Laurinda S. Dixon with the assistance of Antje Bultmann Lemke.
Titre et auteur:

The Documented image : visions in art history / edited by Gabriel P. Weisberg, Laurinda S. Dixon with the assistance of Antje Bultmann Lemke.


1st ed.


Syracuse, N.Y. : Syracuse University Press, 1987.


xxviii, 375 pages : illustrations ; 27 cm

"Dedicated to the memory of Elizabeth Gilmore Holt"--Page [ii].
Includes bibliographical references (pages 366-367) and index.
The legacy of Elizabeth Gilmane Holt, 1905-1987 / Gabriel P. Weisberg and Laurinda S. Dixon -- Abraham Tuthill at Mrs. Trollope's Bazaar ; three pictures at an exhibition in Cincinnati in 1830 / David Tatham -- The popularization of gentility : illustrations in American literary annuals / Georgia Brady Bumgardner -- Whistler's first one-man exhibition reconstructed / Robin Spencer -- S. Bing in America / Gabriel P. Weisberg -- Hokusai and the French diplomats : some remarks on the collection of Baron de Chassiron / Geneviève Lacambre -- Rodin and his American collectors / Ruth Butler -- Nineteenth-century visitors to the Frans Hals Museum / Petra Ten-Doesschate Chu -- A neglected collaboration : Van de Velde, Lemmen and the diffusion of the Belgian sty;e / Jane Block -- Art and music at the Salons de la Rose + Croix, 1892-1897 / Laurinda S. Dixon -- Kandinsky and "Old Russia" : an ethnographic exploration / Peg Weiss -- Boccaccio looking at actual frescoes / Creighton Gilbert -- The special orders of Robert Mills / Robert L. Alexander -- Le Chemin symbolique : Ferdinand Hodler's symbolic path of Autumn evening / Sharon Hirsh -- Tatlin's monument to the third international as a symbol of revolution / Christina Lodder -- The values of the Byzantine tradition : a documentary history of Goethe's response to the Boisserée collection / E.H. Gombrich -- Charles Clément and the French landscape / Hans Lüthy -- Friedrich Schlegel's response to Raphael in Paris / Jane Van Nimmen -- Reconsidering Walter Benjamin : "the age of mechanical reproduction" in retrospect / Jacquelynn Baas -- Art reproductions in the library : notes on their history and use / Wolfgang M. Freitag -- Elizabeth Gilmore Holt : a bibliography of her work / Antje Bultmann Lemke.
Table of contents

0815624107 (alk. paper)
9780815624103 (alk. paper)


Holt, Elizabeth Basye Gilmore 1905-1987
Holt, Elizabeth Basye Gilmore.
Art Historiography.
Art criticism Methodology.
Art Historiographie.
Critique d'art Méthodologie.
Kunstgeschiedenis (wetenschap)
Art Histoire.



Vedettes secondaires:

Weisberg, Gabriel P.
Dixon, Laurinda S.
Lemke, Antje Bultmann.
Holt, Elizabeth Basye Gilmore.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 29762
Cote: ID:88-B187
Statut: Disponible


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