Haviland, John, 1792-1852.
The builders' assistant, containing the five orders of architecture : selected from the best specimens of the Greek and Roman, with the figured dimensions of their height, projection, and profile, and a variety of mouldings, modillions & foliage, on a larger scale, both enriched and plain ... / by John Haviland ... and engraved by Hugh Bridport ...
Philadelphia : Published by John Bioren ... and John Haviland and Hugh Bridport ..., 1818-1821.
3 volumes : illustrations, plates ; 22 cm
Restrictions: for preservation reasons please request microfilm copy (ID 91-B745).
Architecture Orders.
Framing (Building)
Architecture Ordres.
price books.
constructions (sculpture)
carpentry (process)
Subscription lists.
Bridport, Hugh, 1794-approximately 1868, engraver.
House carpenters' book of prices and rules, for measuring and valuing all their different kinds of work.
United States Pennsylvania Philadelphia.
Localisation: Bibliothèque cage 13467
Cote: ID:87-B3775
Statut: Disponible
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