Lee, Anthony W., 1960-
Weegee and Naked city / Anthony W. Lee, Richard Meyer.
Berkeley : University of California Press, ©2008.
132 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm
Defining moments in American photography ; v. 3
"Arthur Fellig, better known as Weegee, and his 1945 photography book, Naked City - with its lurid tabloid-style images of Manhattan crime, crowds, and boisterous nightlife - changed prevailing journalistic practices almost overnight. In this volume, two art historians, Anthony W. Lee and Richard Meyer, bring markedly different outlooks on photography and modernism to their discussions of Weegee and his book. Meyer looks carefully at Weegee's pictures before and after they were collected and assesses how his practice of tabloid photography was inseparable from his own lowbrow appeal. Lee paints the vivid details of a leftist journalism world in 1930s and 1940s New York and shows how this world helped shape the photographer's vision. These essays restore the Naked City photographs to the mass circulation newspapers and magazines for which they were intended, and they trace the strange process by which the most famous of these pictures - suffused with blood, gore, and sensational crime - entered the museum."--Publisher's description.
9780520251830 (cloth ; alk. paper)
0520251830 (cloth ; alk. paper)
9780520255906 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
0520255909 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
Weegee, 1899-1968 Criticism and interpretation.
Weegee, 1899-1968 Critique et interprétation.
Weegee, 1899-1968.
Weegee 1899-1968
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Photojournalism New York (State) New York.
Photographie de presse New York (État) New York.
21.42 history of photographic art.
Social conditions
Sociale aspecten.
Fotojournalistik Förenta staterna 1900-talet.
Fotografi Förenta staterna 1900-talet.
Fotografer Förenta Staterna 1900-talet.
New York (N.Y.) Social conditions 20th century.
New York (N.Y.) Conditions sociales 20e siècle.
New York (State) New York.
New York, NY
New York (stad)
New York (N.Y.) bildverk.
Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Meyer, Richard, 1966-
Weegee, 1899-1968. Naked city.
Defining moments in American photography ; v. 3.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 256370
Cote: BIB 186731
Statut: Disponible
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