Wyckoff, William.
The developer's frontier : the making of the western New York landscape / William Wyckoff.
New Haven : Yale University Press, ©1988.
xiii, 239 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
This book tells how one nineteenth-century group of developers, the Holland Land Company, promoted and organized a settlement of vast wilderness tracts in western New York state. Wyckoff shows that the experience of eastern developers was distinctive from that of other frontier settlers; unlike the isolated pioneer of Frederick Jackson Turner's frontier model or the land speculator in search of quick profits that other historians have described, eastern frontier developers fostered long-term settlement and regional growth by means of carefully formulated and comprehensive plans. - Jacket flap.
0300041543 (alk. paper)
9780300041545 (alk. paper)
Land settlement patterns New York (State), Western History.
Land use, Rural New York (State), Western History.
Frontier and pioneer life New York (State), Western.
Cities and towns New York (State), Western History.
Cities and towns.
Frontier and pioneer life.
Historical geography.
Land settlement patterns.
Land use, Rural.
Cities and towns New York History.
Frontier and pioneer life New York.
Land settlement patterns New York.
New York (State), Western Historical geography.
New York (Ouest) Géographie historique.
Western New York (State)
United States, New York Historical geography.
United States, New York History.
Staat New York West
New York (State). Towns, history
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 48079
Cote: ID:89-B7150
Statut: Disponible
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