Mikrolandschaften = microlandscapes : landscape culture on the move / Brigitte Franzen, Stefanie Krebs [Hg.].
Titre et auteur:

Mikrolandschaften = microlandscapes : landscape culture on the move / Brigitte Franzen, Stefanie Krebs [Hg.].


Münster : Westfälisches Landesmuseum für Kunst, 2006.


351 pages : illustrations ; 18 cm.


Gegenwartskunst + Theorie ; Bd. 1

Includes bibliographical references.
From>MakroMikro<: Marginal Notes concerning the Transformation of the Concept of Landscape in the Context of the Urban Planning and Architectural Discourse Motion as a Generator of Space -- Approaching a Perfornative Aesthetics of the Landscape 32 Hildegund Amanshauser Motion as a Generator of Space -- Approaching a Performative Aesthetics of the Landscape 38 Doris Kolesch Promenades in the Park of Versailles On The Interplay of Motion and Emotion in the Classical French Garden Ole Frahm, Michael Hueners, Torsten Michaelsen Invisible Transfers On the Situation of Urban Landscapes Grand Littoral Crossing Landscapes -- Modeling Landscapes of Travel Walk -- Ride -- Travel, Or Why Nobody Goes for a Stroll in America Landscape Passages: Imagination -- Experience -Representation On the Aesthetics of Landscape 138 Stefanie Krebs Landscapes by the Way Choreographic Design Strategies between Landscape Architecture and the Theatre 158 Paul Groth Ideas along the Road Official and Vernacular as Lenses of Analysis 172 Sverker S6rlin The Field Landscape Travel and Practice in Science -- The Dynamics of Ecology and Design 184 Udo Weilacher Bildwelten in Bewegung Be- und entschleunigte Landschaften image Worlds in Motion Landscapes Accelerated and De-accelerated 200 Undine Giseke Landschaft im Wandel -- eine dynamische Tagebaufolgelandschaft for Welzow-Sid A Landscape in Transformation -- a Dynamic Post-mining Landscape for Welzow-Sud 206 Lisa Switkin Slowness, Distraction and the Otherworldly -- the High Line, New York Cellular Landscapes -- Continuous Difference A Superficial Inspection of the Ruhr Region 236 Christophe Girot Landscape without a Frame -- a Matter of Taste? Moving Landscape Images -- Landscape as Setting and Emotion 254 Anton Escher und Stefan Zimmermann Visualisierungen der Landschaft im Spielfilm Landscape Visualization in Feature Films 266 Barbara Pichler und Andrea Potlach Landschaft als Symptom Notizen zum Begriff Seelenlandschaft Landscape as a Symptom Notes on the Term Soulscape 278 Bregtje van der Haak Lagos Wide and Close An Interactive Journey into an Exploding City Lagos Wide and Close 296 Brigitte Franzen Dan Graham's Lofoten Work 318 Scott MacDonald Cinematic Edens: The Garden as Time.
German and English.
Texts in German or English with summaries in both languages.

Includes essays by Hildegund Amanshauser, Arno Brandlhuber, Ole Frahm, Brigitte Franzen, Christophe Girot, Michael Hueners, Valerie Jouve, Christof Mauch, Barbara Pichler, Andrea Pollach, and Stefan Zimmermann. This volume, which bears the same name as the symposium, analyses aspects of contemporary mobility and travel and their effect on our perceptions of microlandscapes.


3887891503 (paperback)
9783887891503 (paperback)


Public spaces.
Geographical perception.
Espaces publics.
Perception géographique.

Vedettes secondaires:

Franzen, Brigitte.
Krebs, Stefanie.

Microlandscapes : landscape culture on the move


Localisation: Bibliothèque main y 260921
Cote: BIB 191840
Statut: Disponible


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