Competition and collaboration : Japanese prints of the Utagawa School / Laura J. Mueller ; with essays by Fujisawa Akane, Kobayashi Tadashi, & Ellis Tinios.
Entrée principale:

Mueller, Laura J.

Titre et auteur:

Competition and collaboration : Japanese prints of the Utagawa School / Laura J. Mueller ; with essays by Fujisawa Akane, Kobayashi Tadashi, & Ellis Tinios.


Leiden ; Boston : Hotei Publishing, 2007.


231 pages : illustrations ; 31 cm

On t.p.: Chazen Museum of Art, Madison, Wisconsin in association with Hotei Publishing.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Essays. Establishing a lineage : the Utagawa School and Japan's print culture / Laura J. Mueller -- Ukiyo-e artists and their patrons : the case of Utagawa Kunisada (Toyokuni III) and the wealthy merchant Mitani Chōzaburō / Kobayashi Tadashi -- The mutual flowering of the Utagawa School and Kabuki / Fujisawa Akane -- Warrior prints and the double-edged sword of loyalty / Ellis Tinnios -- Creative speculation and collaborative projects / Laura J. Mueller -- Catalogue. Establishing a name : Utagawa Toyoharu -- The studios of Toyohiro and Toyokuni -- Creative specialization : Hiroshige, Kuniyoshi, and Kunisada -- Collaborative works -- Utagawa style and market dominance -- Claiming the lineage : later artists of the Utagawa School

"This prolific Utagawa school is one of the most famous lineages of print artists in the history of Japanese woodblock prints. It was founded by Utagawa Toyoharu during the second half of the eighteenth century and remained active in Edo, present-day Tokyo, throughout the nineteenth century. During this period, Utagawa-school artists dominated virtually every genre of ukiyo-e prints, or "pictures of the floating world," including pictures of beautiful women, prints of kabuki actors, warrior prints, erotica, and landscape pictures. Colorful, technically innovative, and sometimes defiant of government regulations, these prints documented for a popular audience the pleasures of urban life, leisure, and travel. The diverse works by Utagawa Kunisada, Utagawa Kuniyoshi, Utagawa Hiroshige, and others reflected the changing social, economic, and political conditions present during the closing century of the Edo period (1615-1868) and early years of the Meiji period (1868-1912)." "This 232-page groundbreaking catalogue features full-color images of more than 200 prints from the renowned Van Vleck Collection of Japanese Prints at the Chazen Museum of Art, University of Wisconsin - Madison. This collection - a number of objects were once part of Frank Lloyd Wright's personal collection of Japanese prints - is particularly noteworthy for its strong holdings of landscape prints including rare designs incorporating western perspective by the school's founder Toyoharu. The book includes explicated entries for each work, artist biographies, and five scholarly essays about Japanese print culture and the Utagawa school."--Jacket.


9004164170 (Chazen)
9789004164178 (Chazen)
9004155392 (Hotei)
9789004155398 (Hotei)


Utagawa, Toyoharu 1735-1814
Van Vleck, Edward Burr 1863-1943
Van Vleck, Edward Burr.
Utagawa, Toyoharu.
Chazen Museum of Art
Madison (Wis.) Chazen Museum of Art.
Utagawa school of Ukiyoe.
Prints, Japanese.
École Utagawa.
Estampe japonaise.
Utagawa School.
estampe japonaise 18e s. (2e moitié) 19e s. catalogue d'exposition.
Träsnitt Japan 1800-talet 1700-talet.



Vedettes secondaires:

Fujisawa, Akane, 1971-
Kobayashi, Tadashi, 1941-
Tinios, Ellis.
Fujisawa Akane, 1971-
Chazen Museum of Art.

Japanese prints of the Utagawa School


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 258262
Cote: BIB 188947
Statut: Disponible


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