Jackson, Donald C. (Donald Conrad), 1953- author.
Great American bridges and dams / Donald C. Jackson ; foreword by David McCullough.
[Washington, D.C.] : Preservation Press, [1988]
357 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm
Great American places series
A National Trust guide
Bridges and dams are key symbols of civic development, says Jackson and for this reason these two seemingly diverse types of structures have been combined in this book. The descriptions of many of the sites listed here go beyond simple data related to their dates and dimensions. The bridges and dams have been placed in historical contexts that illuminate their technological origins, the nature of their operation or their role in the local region's socioeconomic development. These analyses are designed to demonstrate the significance of these structres in America's history. ISBN 0-89133-129-8 (pbk.): $16.95 (For use only in the library).
0891331298 (pbk.)
9780891331292 (pbk.)
Bridges United States.
Dams United States.
Ponts États-Unis.
Barrages États-Unis.
United States
McCullough, David, writer of foreword.
National Trust for Historic Preservation in the United States.
Great American places series.
National Trust guide (Washington, D.C.)
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 36655
Cote: ID:88-B7779
Statut: Disponible
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