Allaback, Sarah, 1965-
The first American women architects / Sarah Allaback.
Urbana , Chicago , Springfield, Illinois : University of Illinois Press, [2008]
© 2008
xiv, 265 pages : illustrations, portraits, plans, facsimiles ; 24 cm
"By 1920, there were over two hundred women practicing architecture in the United States, actively working on major design and building projects before they were even given the right to vote. Organized alphabetically as a reference guide, this volume provides a biographical sketch of each architect's life, education, and professional career, and a list of known works and sources for further research. Many of these remarkable women have never before appeared in any other history, making The First American Women Architects a valuable reference for students and scholars interested in women's history and architecture." --Jacket.
9780252033216 (cloth ; alk. paper)
0252033213 (cloth ; alk. paper)
Women architects United States Biography Dictionaries.
Femmes architectes États-Unis Biographies Dictionnaires anglais.
Women architects.
Architektin USA Geschichte Biographie.
Kvinnliga arkitekter.
Arkitektur historia Förenta staterna.
United States.
Förenta staterna.
Biographical dictionaries.
Reference works.
Ouvrages de référence.
Localisation: Bibliothèque study room 259537
Cote: NA736 .A5 2008
Statut: Disponible
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