King Herod's dream : Caesarea on the sea / Kenneth G. Holum [and others] ; general editors, Kenneth G. Holum, Robert L. Hohlfelder ; editor for architecture, Robert L. Vann ; consulting editor, Roberta Blender Maltese.
1st ed.
New York : Norton, 1988.
244 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 26 cm
Caesarea is one of the richest archaeological sites in Israel. Located on the Mediterranean coast, this urban center was a port of great vitality that survived until the thirteenth century. Recently archaeologists both on land and underwater have discovered many of the secrets of Caesarea, enabling them to reconstruct what the city was like and the manner of life therein. This profusely illustrated volume offers the results of the archaeologists' findings, describing their methods and adventures as well.
Herod I, King of Judea, 73 B.C.-4 B.C.
Hérode, roi des Juifs, 73-4 av. J.-C.
Hérode I (roi des Juifs ; 73-4 av. J.)
Excavations (Archaeology) Israel Caesarea.
Fouilles Césarée maritime (ville ancienne)
Césarée maritime (ville ancienne)
Fouilles (Archéologie) Israël Césarée.
Excavations (Archaeology)
Fouilles archéologiques Israël Césarée maritime (ville ancienne)
Caesarea (Israel) History.
Caesarea (Israel) Antiquities.
Israel Antiquities.
Césarée (Israël) Histoire.
Césarée (Israël) Antiquités.
Israël Antiquités.
Israel Caesarea
Israel Antiquities Excavation of remains
Holum, Kenneth G.
Vann, Robert L.
Maltese, Roberta Blender.
Smithsonian Institution. Traveling Exhibition Service.
Thomas M. Evans Gallery.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 24741
Cote: ID EXHX; ID:88-B11013
Statut: Disponible
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