A Canadian priorities agenda : policy choices to improve economic and social well-being / edited by Jeremy Leonard, Christopher Ragan and France St-Hilaire.
Montreal : Institute for Research on Public Policy = l'Institut de recherche en politiques publiques, ©2007.
xiv, 573 pages : illustrations, portraits ; 23 cm
"A Canadian Priorities Agenda is the culmination of a two year IRPP project designed to initiate a broad-based and informed public debate on the economic and social policy choices and priorities for Canada over the medium term. The underlying theme of the project is scarcity of resources and the need for choice: the everyday reality for policy-makers is that governments have limited means at their disposal - be it revenue, manpower or political capital - and must therefore choose carefully which policies to pursue and which to leave behind."--Publisher's website.
Political planning Canada.
Environmental policy Canada.
Politique publique Canada.
Environnement Politique gouvernementale Canada.
Economic policy
Environmental policy
Political planning
Social policy
Canada Social policy.
Canada Economic policy.
Canada Economic policy 1991-
Canada Politique sociale.
Canada Politique économique 1991-
St-Hilaire, France.
Ragan, Christopher T. S.
Leonard, Jeremy, 1967-
Institute for Research on Public Policy.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 308330
Cote: BIB 253751
Statut: Disponible
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