The everyday / edited by Stephen Johnstone.
Titre et auteur:

The everyday / edited by Stephen Johnstone.


London : Whitechapel ; Cambridge, Massachusetts : MIT Press, 2008.


239 pages ; 21 cm.


Documents of contemporary art

Includes bibliographical references (pages 230-233) and index (pages 234-239).
Art and the everyday : Clearing the ground, 1961 / Henri Lefebvre ; Everyday speech, 1962 / Maurice Blanchot ; French quotidian, 1997 / Kristin Ross ; Occupation of places, 1968 / Jean-Jacques Lévêque ; Escape attempts, 1973 / Lucy R. Lippard ; Stargazer : the films of Andy Warhol, 1973 / Stephen Koch ; To argue for a video of representation, to argue for a video against the mythology of everyday life, 1977 / Martha Rosler ; Fifty helpful hints on the art of the everyday, 1985 / Allen Ruppersberg ; Dan Graham's Kammerspiel, 1988 / Jeff Wall ; Every day, 1988 / Jonathan Watkins ; Everything that surrounds : art, politics and theories of the everyday, 1998 / Nikos Papastergiadis ; The everyday : a conversation, 2000 / David A. Ross and Nicholas Serota ; Walking in the margins, 2002 / Michel Maffesoli ; American standard : (para)normality and everyday life, 2002 / Gregory Crewdson ; Everyday life and cultural theory, 2002 / Ben Highmore -- The poetics of noticing : Notes on the Infra-Slim, c. 1945 / Marcel Duchamp ; Interview with Jérôme Sans, 2000 / Jonas Mekas ; Proposals for rationally improving the city of Paris, 1955 / Lettrist International ; The poetics of the Dérive, 2001 / Vincent Kaufmann ; The street, 1974 / Georges Perec ; On Georges Perec, 2001 / Paul Virilio ; The 'as-found' and the 'found', 1989 / Alison and Peter Smithson ; An anecdoted topography of chance, 1962-68 / Daniel Spoerri, with Robert Filliou, Emmett Williams, Dieter Roth ; City place, 1963 / rYoko Ono ; Equality celebrates the ordinary, 1993 / Sally Banes ; Hans-Peter Feldmann, 2002 / Helena Tatay ; Diary, 1964-85 / Ian Breakwell ; Nothing happens : time for the everyday in postwar realist cinema, 1996 / Ivone Margulies ; Outings in the visible world, 1995 / Patrick Frey ; On recent films, 1998 / Gabriel Orozco ; Night journey, 1998 / Ilya and Emilia Kabakov ; Interview with Lynne Tillman, 2004 / Stephen Shore ; Interview with James Lingwood, 2006 / Francis Alÿs ; Configuring the everyday, 2007 / Michael Sheringham -- Documentary style and ethnography : This way Brouwn, 1961 / Stanley Brouwn ; Calling from the inside : filmic topologies of the everyday, 2007 / Tom McDonough ; Album, 1972-73 / Annette Messager ; Annette Messager's images of the everyday, 2006 / rRebecca J. DeRoo ; House work and art work, 2000 / Helen Molesworth ; The artist as anthropologist, 1975 / Joseph Kosuth ; The lurky place, 1978 / Stephen Willarts ; Collaborative meaning : art as experience, 1982 / Susan Hiller ; The hotel, 1984 / Sophie Calle ; Double game, 1999 / Paul Auster and Sophie Calle ; Inside/out, 1994 / Abigail Solomon-Godeau ; Mad for it : philistinism, the everyday and the new British art, 1996 / John Roberts ; Living room, 1998 / Alison Marchant ; Statement, 2007 / Richard Wentworth ; Les Mots et les choses : Eugène Atget and Richard Wentworth, 2001 / Geoff Dyer ; Living and loving #1: the biography of Donald Cappy, 2002 / Aleksandra Mir ; Interview with Hans Ulrich Obrist, 2005 / Roman Ondák ; Home made : contemporary Russian artefacts, 2006 / Vladimir Arkhipov ; The garage sale is a metaphor for the mind, 2005 / Martha Rosler.

"Numerous international exhibitions and since the early 1990s have attested to the range of contemporary art engaged with the everyday. Art has commemorated ordinary dignity, celebrated the accidentally miraculous, explored new forms of ethnography or immersion in mass culture, and meditated on what happens when nothing happens. An engagement with ordinary life also has a political dimension, offering a voice to the silenced and proposing possibilities for change. This anthology surverys the everyday's central significance for art since the 1950s--Publisher's description.

Table of contents

9780262600743 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
0262600749 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
9780854881598 (pbk.)
085488159X (pbk.)


Art and society.
Art, Modern 20th century.
Art, Modern 21st century.
Art, Modern.
Art et société.
Art 20e siècle.
Art 21e siècle.
Beeldende kunsten.
Dagelijks leven.
Konst och samhälle.
Geschichte 1950-2007

Vedettes secondaires:

Johnstone, Stephen, editor.
Documents of contemporary art series.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 288006
Cote: BIB 229522
Statut: Disponible


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