Gilbert, Martin, 1936-2015.
The Routledge historical atlas of Jerusalem / Martin Gilbert.
4th ed.
London ; New York NY : Routledge, ©2008.
1 atlas (133 pages) : illustrations, maps ; 26 cm
Routledge historical atlases
"The Routledge Historical Atlas of Jerusalem presents the history of a remarkable city, focal point of Jewish, Christian and Muslim sentiment and capital of the State of Israel, serving, despite conflict, as a flourishing, vibrant metropolis. In 69 maps and more than 100 prints and photographs, the atlas reveals the complete history of Jerusalem. It covers biblical Jerusalem - the city as a centre of pilgrimage through the ages; imperial rule - the impact of the Romans, Byzantines, Crusaders and Ottoman Turks; growth and idealism - Jerusalem as a focal point of Jewish aspirations in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; British Mandate Jerusalem - the Holy Places, Arab-Jewish strife, urban growth and the emergence of a modern city; divided Jerusalem - two separate cities and their reunification in 1967; and conflict and hope - Jerusalem in the twenty-first century."--Jacket.
9780415433433 (hardcover)
9780415433440 (pbk.)
0415433436 (hardback)
0415433444 (pbk.)
15.75 history of Asia.
Jerusalem Maps.
Jerusalem History Maps.
Middle East Jerusalem.
Jerusalem (Israel) Maps.
Jerusalem (Israel) History Maps.
Cartes géographiques.
Routledge historical atlases.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 259701
Cote: BIB 190618
Statut: Disponible
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