Appleton's cyclopaedia of drawing : designed as a textbook for the mechanic, architect, engineer, and surveyor. Comprising geometrical projection, mechanical, architectural, and topographical drawing, perspective and isometry / edited by W.E. Worthen.
New and enl. ed.
New York : D. Appleton, 1869.
xii, 496 pages, plates : illustrations ; 27 cm
Mechanical drawing.
Architectural drawing.
Dessin industriel.
Projection (Géométrie)
projections (visual works)
linear perspective (technique)
perspective (technique)
Worthen, W. E. (William Ezra), 1819-1897.
Cyclopaedia of drawing.
American architectural books : based on the Henry-Russell Hitchcock bibliography.
Localisation: Bibliothèque study room microform 42493
Cote: ID87B7159s111 MFM; ID:89-B2429
Statut: Disponible
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