Barron & Strachan.
Engineering report : acoustical recommendations related to the proposed conversion of the Orpheum Theatre to a concert hall / prepared for the Community Arts Council of Vancouver by Barron & Strachan, Consulting Acoustical Engineers.
Vancouver B.C. : [Barron & Strachan], [1973]
16, [2] leaves ; 29 cm
Priteca, B. Marcus (Bernard Marcus)
Orpheum Theatre (Vancouver, B.C.)
Theaters Canada British Columbia Vancouver.
Historic buildings Canada British Columbia Vancouver.
Adaptive reuse Canada British Columbia Vancouver.
Acoustical Engineering Canada British Columbia Vancouver 1970-1980.
Acoustical properties Canada British Columbia Vancouver 1970-1980.
Feasibility studies.
Spiral bindings.
Community Arts Council of Vancouver.
Historic Theatres' Trust collection/Fonds Société des salles historiques.
Project 499 301 Acoustical Feasibility - Orpheum Theatre.
Acoustical recommendations related to the proposed conversion of the Orpheum Theatre to a concert hall
Localisation: Bibliothèque main canada 251090
Cote: NA44.P9614.25 O7 1973
Statut: Disponible
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