Liturgical space : Christian worship and church buildings in western Europe 1500-2000 / Nigel Yates.
Entrée principale:

Yates, Nigel.

Titre et auteur:

Liturgical space : Christian worship and church buildings in western Europe 1500-2000 / Nigel Yates.


Aldershot, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, ©2008.


xi, 199 pages : illustrations, plans ; 24 cm


Liturgy, worship, and society

Includes bibliographical references and index.
1. The legacy of the pre-Reformation church and the impact of the Reformation -- The origins of Christian architecture -- Pre-Reformation worship and the reformers -- The impact on church buildings -- The Catholic Counter-Reformation -- Protestant worship in Catholic buildings -- 2. The Lutheran Churches of Germany and Scandinavia -- Lutheran worship -- Sweden : a liturgical case study -- Lutheran Church buildings -- The cruciform plan church -- The pulpit-altar arrangement -- The Lutheran Church interior -- Lutheran worship and buildings in perspective -- 3. The Calvinist and Reformed Churches -- The Reformed approach to public worship -- Reformed Churches in France and the Netherlands -- Reformed Churches in Switzerland and Hungary -- Presbyterianism in Scotland and Ireland -- The Free Churches in England and Wales -- 4. The worship and buildings in Anglican Via media -- The Elizabethan settlement -- The Laudian transformation -- The restoration church -- The road to ecclesiology -- Anglican worship on the eve of the Oxford Movement -- 5. Counter-Reformation Roman Catholicism -- The Tridentine mass -- Church services and buildings in Catholic Europe -- Roman Catholicism in the Netherlands -- Roman Catholicism in England and Wales -- Roman Catholicism in Scotland -- Roman Catholicism in Ireland -- 6. Ecclesiology and neo-Medievalism -- The origins of the Gothic revival -- Ecclesiology and ritualism in the Church of England -- Roman Catholicism ecclesiology and ritual -- Ecclesiology and ritual in Protestant nonconformity and the Church of Scotland -- European Gothic, Catholic and Protestant -- The ethos of the Gothic revival -- 7. Liturgical renewal and church design in the twentieth century -- The survival of traditional buildings -- Liturgical renewal in the inter-war period -- The earliest modern churches -- Liturgical reform since 1945 -- New churches and liturgical reordering.

This is the first comprehensive and up-to-date account of the internal arrangement of church buildings in Western Europe between 1500 and 2000, showing how these arrangements have met the liturgical needs of their respective denominations, Catholic and Protestant, over this period. In addition to a chapter looking at the general impact of the Reformation on church buildings, there are separate chapters on the churches of the Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican and Roman Catholic traditions between the mid-sixteenth and mid-nineteenth centuries, and on the ecclesiological movement of the nineteenth century and the liturgical movement of the twentieth century, both of which have impacted on all the churches of Western Europe over the past 150 years. The book is extensively illustrated with figures in the text and a series of plates and also contains comprehensive guides to both further reading and buildings to visit throughout Western Europe. Nigel Yates is Professor of Ecclesiastical History at the University of Wales, Lampeter. As well as having written extensively on church buildings over the past twenty years, he was between 1981 and 1991 a member of the Executive Committee of the Council for the Care of Churches, advising the Church of England on reordering schemes as part of the faculty jurisdiction process, and has since spoken at major conferences on church buildings and their furnishings.

Table of contents

9780754657958 (hardcover ; alk. paper)
0754657957 (hardcover ; alk. paper)
9780754657972 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
0754657973 (pbk. ; alk. paper)


Public worship Europe History.
Church buildings Europe History.
Culte public Europe Histoire.
Églises Europe Histoire.
Church buildings.
Public worship.
Church architecture Europe History.



Vedettes secondaires:

Liturgy, worship, and society.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 258822
Cote: BIB 189636
Statut: Disponible


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