Second century of the skyscraper / Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat ; Lynn S. Beedle, editor-in-chief.
Titre et auteur:

Second century of the skyscraper / Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat ; Lynn S. Beedle, editor-in-chief.


New York : Van Nostrand Reinhold, ©1988.


xxv, 1108 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm

Includes indexes.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 1037-1075).
Planning and environmental criteria : introductory review / B.P. Lim -- The philosophy and the future of the skyscraper / Alan Ritchie -- The two centuries of technical evolution underlying the skyscraper / Carl W. Condit -- The relative value of invention and the history of tall buildings / Tom F. Peters -- Evolution of the skyscraper : a history of the tall building in Chicago / C. William Brubaker -- Time's arrow : tall moving targets and social research / David Cooperman -- Social and environmental factors of high-rise living : a Singapore experience / B.P. Lim -- The urban ecology of tall buildings / Leonard I. Ruchelman -- A preliminary model for the economic analysis of tall buildings / John P. Wenzelberger, Henry Malcolm Steiner -- Architecture and society / Paul Goldberger.
Tall buildings as symbols / Bruce J. Graham -- Considerations for urban architecture and the tall building / William Pedersen -- A perspective on architectural directions / Harry Seidler -- The architecture of large buildings / Fred L. Foote -- The impact of European technical culture on the development of tall building architecture / Giselher Hartung, Tom F. Peters -- Building design consultation / M. Arthur Gensler, Jr., Antony Harbour -- The inside story : how structure and services impact office design in tall buildings / Moira Moser -- Chicago update / Elizabeth L. Hollander -- San Francisco Downtown Plan and the skyscraper / George Williams -- The Chicago perspective : response to the San Francisco Plan / David R. Mosena -- The San Francisco Downtown Plan : a tale of two cities / Jeffrey Heller.
Tall buildings, tight streets / Tom Lollini -- Skylobbies as interconnecting links amid the cluster of skyscrapers / Valer Mocak -- Project management for tall buildings and urban habitat / James J. O'Brien -- Scheduling tall buildings / Denis W. Boyd -- High-rise development in India / Jashwant B. Mehta -- Developing tall buildings to meet future needs : Transco Tower case history / Gerald D. Hines -- Systems and concepts : introductory review / John Rankine -- The composite high-rise building : an interaction of planning, structure, speed, and economy / John G. Nutt -- A tall building of stacked steel and concrete structures / R. Shankar Nair -- A tall building core-hanger interaction system / Marek W. Kwieciński, Adam Z. Pawłowski -- Transfer structures / Jack Zunz, Chris Wise -- Investigation and prevention of failures / Lev Zetlin
On title page: Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat.



Tall buildings.
Immeubles de grande hauteur.
multistory buildings.
high-rise buildings.



Vedettes secondaires:

Beedle, Lynn S.
Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 35698
Cote: ID:88-B6965
Statut: Disponible


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