Silverman, Debora, 1954-
Art nouveau in fin-de-siècle France : politics, psychology, and style / Debora L. Silverman.
Berkeley : University of California Press, ©1989.
xv, 415 pages, 10 unnumbered pages of plates : illustrations (some color) ; 27 cm
Studies on the history of society and culture ; [7]
Examines the political, social, economic, intellectual, and artistic factors that influenced the development of art nouveau.
Library Journal review: This is a dense and closely argued study of the intellectual background of "art nouveau," a term that underwent a total change in meaning between the Paris expositions of 1889 and 1900. Silverman traces the roots of the new style by examining rococo revivalism and the renewed interest in the 18th century, also considering the complex world of hu-man psychology first explored by Freud's teacher Charcot in explicating the shift from a new art of heroic iron and glass in 1889 to an art focused on the domestic and intellectual in less than a decade. All this is cogently connected to the political realities of the Third Republic. An excellent work, especially for scholars. - Jack Perry Brown, Art Institute of Chicago Library
0520080882 (pbk.)
9780520080881 (pbk.)
Gallé, Émile, 1846-1904 Critique et interprétation
Rodin, Auguste, 1840-1917 Critique et interprétation
Goncourt, Edmond de, 1822-1896 Critique et interprétation
Goncourt, Jules de, 1830-1870 Critique et interprétation
Les arts décoratifs (Paris, France) 1870-1914.
Exposition universelle internationale (1900 : Paris, France)
Art nouveau France.
Art, French 19th century.
Art France 19th century.
Art Political aspects France History 19th century.
Decorative arts France History 19th century.
Art France 19e siècle.
Art Aspect politique France Histoire 19e siècle.
Arts décoratifs France Histoire 19e siècle.
Art français 19e siècle.
20.70 European art.
Politics and government
Decorative arts
Art Political aspects
Art, French
Art nouveau
Sociale aspecten.
Art moderne 1870-1914 France.
Art Aspect social France 1870-1914.
Psychanalyse et arts 1870-1914.
Vie artistique France 1870-1914.
France Civilization 19th century.
France Politics and government 1870-1940.
France Civilisation 19e siècle.
France Politique et gouvernement 1870-1940.
Visual arts
Studies on the history of society and culture ; 7.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 44396
Cote: ID:89-B3956
Statut: Disponible
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