The USMARC format for holdings and locations : development, implementation, and use / Barry B. Baker, editor.
Titre et auteur:

The USMARC format for holdings and locations : development, implementation, and use / Barry B. Baker, editor.


New York : Haworth Press, ©1988.


231 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.


Monographic supplement #2 to the journal Technical services quarterly, 0897-8425

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Developing a format for holdings and location data / Nolan F. Pope -- SOLINET's implementation of the USMARC format for holdings and locations / Michele I. Dalehite -- Implementation of the USMARC format for holdings and locations at the Harvard University library / Priscilla L. Caplan -- Implementation and use of the USMARC format for holdings and locations at the University of Georgia libraries / Greg Anderson -- Adapting the USMARC format for holdings and locations for local serials control: the University of Kansas serials system / John S. Miller
VTLS serials control: using the USMARC format for holdings and locations in an integrated, online system / Charles A. Litchfield III, Deborah H. McGrath -- Implementation of the USMARC format for holdings and locations at the University of Florida libraries / Nancy Lynne Williams -- Faxon serial interfaces: implementation of the USMARC format for holdings and locations for serials check-in and union list / Mary Ellen Clapper -- The NOTIS implementation of the USMARC format for holdings and locations / Peggy Steele -- The display of serial holdings statements / Marjorie E. Bloss -- SISAC: the Serials Industry Systems Advisory Committee / Minna C. Saxe.
British Library not licensed to copy 0.
Publisher description



USMARC format for holdings and locations.
MARC formats United States.
Holdings (Bibliographic data) United States.
MARC system.
Catalogs, on-line.
MARC, Formats États-Unis.
État de collection (Bibliothèques) États-Unis.
Automatisation des bibliothèques.
Publications en série.
Holdings (Bibliographic data)
MARC formats.
MARC System United States Format.
Holdings (Bibliographic data) Standards United States.
Serials control systems Automation Standards United States.
Catalogs, Union Automation Standards United States.
Catalogs, On-line Standards United States.
Machine-readable bibliographic data Standards United States.
Exchange of bibliographic information Automation Standards United States.
United States.
United States Libraries Stock Cataloguing Databases: US MARC records

Vedettes secondaires:

Baker, Barry B.
Monographic supplement to the journal Technical services quarterly ; #2.


Localisation: Bibliothèque cataloguing office 56526
Cote: ID CAT; ID:90-B487
Statut: Disponible


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