Khuḍayr, Muḥammad, 1942-
Basrayatha : the story of a city / Muhammad Khudayyir.
London ; New York : Verso, 2008.
194 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm
Presents a fictionalized view of the Iraqi city of Basra.
Basrayatha is a literary tribute by author Muhammad Khudayyir to the city of his birth, Basra, on the Shattal-Arab waterway in southern Iraq. Just as a city's inhabitants differ from outsiders through their knowledge of its streets and stories, so Khudayyir distinguishes between the real city of Basra and the imagined city he created through stories, experiences, and folklore. By turns a memoir, a travelog, a love letter, and a meditation, Basrayatha summons up a city long gone, yet which lives in the memories and imaginations of its people. -- Back cover.
9781844672332 (paperback)
1844672336 (paperback)
Baṣrah (Iraq) Fiction.
Iraq Baṣrah
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 257459
Cote: BIB 187955
Statut: Disponible
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