Schooling in Renaissance Italy : literacy and learning, 1300-1600 / Paul F. Grendler.
Entrée principale:

Grendler, Paul F.

Titre et auteur:

Schooling in Renaissance Italy : literacy and learning, 1300-1600 / Paul F. Grendler.


Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, ©1989.


xxiii, 477 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.


The Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science ; 107th ser., 1

Includes bibliographical references (pages 431-461) and index.
Teachers and pupils : The organization of schooling : The Medieval background ; The decline of church schools ; Schools in the Trecento ; Communal Latin schools ; Communal Abbaco schools ; Elementary and secondary teachers on university rolls ; Independent schools ; Academic calendar and corporal punishment ; The lives of teachers -- Venetian schools in the high Renaissance : Schooling and literacy in 1587 ; Curricula ; Teachers ; Church schools ; Sestiere schools -- Florentine and Roman schools in the high Renaissance : Villani’s statistics of 1338 ; Florentine schooling in 1480 ; Roman schools ; Communal supervision of Roman schools -- Girls and working-class boys in school : What should girls learn? ; Female teachers ; Female pupils ; Working-class school boys -- The Latin curriculum : The coming of the studia humanitatis : The late Medieval Latin curriculum ; The humanistic alternative ; The rediscovery of Cicero ; Greek ; Three famous teachers ; The establishment of the studia humanitatis -- Learning the ABC's with hornbook and primer : Tavola and Salterio ; Learning to read -- Grammar : The Medieval grammatical tradition ; The beginning of Renaissance grammar ; Grammar manuals in the classroom ; Lanua ; Donato al senno, and vernacular ; Latin grammars ; The Renaissance grammatical tradition ; Grammatical drill and elementary reading -- Rhetoric : The advanced humanistic curriculum ; From Medieval to Renaissance rhetoric ; Cicero ; The epistulae ad familiares as prose model ; Learning to write like Cicero ; Words and things ; Rhetoric and life -- The rest of the Latin curriculum : Poetry ; Poetry in the classroom ; The paraphrase-commentary ; Terence, Horace, and Ovid ; History ; Caesar, Sallust, and Valerius Maximus in the classroom ; Moral philosophy ; Greek and logic -- The vernacular curriculum : Italian literature : Religious texts ; Chivalric romances ; The Vita di Marco Aurelio of Guevara -- Learning merchant skills : Abbaco ; Abbaco classroom instruction ;Double-entry bookkeeping ; Writing -- The schools of the Catholic Reformation : The schools of Christian doctrine ; Reading and writing ; The summario ; The interrogatorio ; Other texts ; High and low in the catechism schools ; The religious knowledge of the laity -- The schools of the religious orders : Jesuit schools ; Schoolmasters to the elite ; The Jesuit curriculum ; The scuole pie ; The schools of the old regime ; The role of the church -- The role of education in the Italian Renaissance.
Current Copyright Fee: GBP6.15 0.

0801837251 (alk. paper)
9780801837258 (alk. paper)


Education, Medieval Italy.
Learning and scholarship History Medieval, 500-1500.
Education Italy History 16th century.
Education Curricula Italy History.
Renaissance Italy.
Éducation médiévale Italie.
Éducation Italie Histoire 16e siècle.
Programmes d'études Italie Histoire.
Savoir et érudition Histoire 500-1500 (Moyen Âge)
Renaissance Italie.
Education Curricula.
Education, Medieval.
Learning and scholarship Medieval.
Schools Italy History.
Écoles Italie Renaissance.
Enseignement Italie Histoire Renaissance.
Enseignement Italie Renaissance.
Éducation Italie Histoire 15e siècle.
Education History



Vedettes secondaires:

Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science ; 107th ser., 1.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 93569
Cote: ID:93-B905
Statut: Disponible


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