Bouillon, Jean Paul.
Art deco, 1903-1940 / by Jean-Paul Bouillon.
[Geneva, Switzerland] : Skira ; New York : Rizzoli, 1989.
271 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 34 cm
Art Deco owed much of its initial popularity to the great Internation Exhibition of Decorative Arts held in Paris in 1925. But it is a mistake to suppose that it is something typically French, peculiar to the 1920s and 30s, and confined to the minor arts of decoration like jewelry and furniture. None of this is true. The modern decorative art that goes by the name of Art Deco is a much bigger movement, international in scope and reaching back to the opening years of the twentieth century. This book is the first to demonstrate its true scope, as an art movement overlapping with Art Nouveau and carrying on where it left off. --jacket.
0847809889 (Rizzoli)
9780847809882 (Rizzoli)
Art deco.
Art, Modern 20th century.
Art déco.
Art 20e siècle.
Art Deco.
Art, Modern
Localisation: Bibliothèque main m 48637
Cote: ID:89-B7686
Statut: Disponible
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