Jesse Shera, librarianship and information science / by H. Curtis Wright.
Entrée principale:

Wright, H. Curtis (Herbert Curtis), 1928-2012.

Titre et auteur:

Jesse Shera, librarianship and information science / by H. Curtis Wright.


Provo, Utah : School of Library and Information Sciences, Brigham Young University, 1988.


v, 103 pages ; 23 cm.


Occasional research paper / School of Library and Information Science, Brigham Young University, 0148-2068 ; no. 5

"This paper is an expanded version of Shera as a bridge between librarianship and information science, the Journal of library history, 20, Spring, 1985, 137-56"--Title page verso.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 54-103).
1. Shera's professional development -- An unusual beginning -- First impressions of librarianship -- Humanist college training -- Turns to librarianship -- First position -- Thwarted library school plans -- Social science library experience -- Effects of Shera's background -- Effects of backdoor entrance -- Effects of comprehensiveness -- Effects of user-orientation -- 2. Shera's computer and machine explorations -- Early interest in machines -- Recognition of computer needs in libraries -- Early experiments with computing machines -- Meetings, conferences, and breakthroughs -- Reorganizing the American documentation institute -- 3. Bridging the gap at Western reserve -- Shera's appointment -- A new vision of librarianship -- The center for documentation and communication research founded -- Disintegration of the center -- Lessons learned -- 4. The schism between information science and librarianship -- The proper position of science -- The nature of professionalism -- A holistic view of librarianship -- Drawbacks of information science -- The definition of information -- A choice for librarians -- The general information problem -- Symbolic interactionism -- Pragmatism and anti-intellectualism.

Shera, Jesse Hauk, 1903-1982.
Shera, Jesse Hauk, 1903-1982 Bibliography.
Librarians United States Biography.
Information scientists United States Biography.
Library science United States History 20th century.
Information science United States History 20th century.
Library science Bibliography.
Information science Bibliography.
Bibliothécaires États-Unis Biographies.
Spécialistes de l'information États-Unis Biographies.
Information science.
Information scientists.
Library science.
United States.



Vedettes secondaires:

Occasional research paper (Brigham Young University. School of Library and Information Sciences) ; no. 5.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 180236
Cote: ID Z720.S527 W75; ID:98-B658
Statut: Disponible


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