Alexander, John.
From Renaissance to Counter-Reformation : the architectural patronage of Carlo Borromeo during the reign of Pius IV / John Alexander.
Milano : Biblioteca Ambrosiana ; Roma : Bulzoni, ©2007.
288 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
Fonti e studi (Accademia di S. Carlo (Milan, Italy)) ; 7
9788878702646 (paperback)
8878702641 (paperback)
Charles Borromeo, Saint, 1538-1584 Art patronage.
Charles Borromeo, Saint, 1538-1584 Knowledge and learning.
Charles Borromeo, Saint, 1538-1584
Borromeo, Carlo.
Art and religion Italy History 16th century.
Christian art and symbolism Italy Milan.
Architecture, Baroque Italy Milan.
Christian saints Italy Biography.
Art et religion Italie Histoire 16e siècle.
Architecture baroque Italie Milan.
Architecture, Baroque
Art and religion
Art patronage
Christian art and symbolism
Christian saints
Italy Milan
collective biographies.
Fonti e studi (Accademia di S. Carlo (Milan, Italy)) ; 7.
Architectural patronage of Carlo Borromeo during the reign of Pius IV
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 258502
Cote: BIB 189297
Statut: Disponible
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