Fragments for a history of the human body / edited by Michel Feher with Ramona Naddaff and Nadia Tazi.
New York, N.Y. : Zone ; Cambridge, Mass. : Distributed by the MIT Press, ©1989.
3 volumes : illustrations (some color) ; 25 cm.
Zone ; 3-5
"The first approach can be called vertical since what is explored here is the human body's relationship to the divine, to the bestial and to the machines that imitate or simulate it. The second approach covers the various junctures between the body's "outside" and "inside": it can therefore be called a "psychosomatic" approach, studying the manifestation - or production - of soul and the expression of emotions through the body's attitudes, and, on another level, the speculations inspired by cenesthesia, pain and death. Finally, the third approach ... brings into play the classical opposition between organ and function by showing how a certain organ or bodily substance can be used to justify or challenge the way human society functions ..."--Foreword Part 3.
0942299256 (cloth ; v. 1)
9780942299250 (cloth ; v. 1)
094229923X (pbk. ; v. 1)
9780942299236 (pbk. ; v. 1)
0942299264 (cloth ; v. 2)
9780942299267 (cloth ; v. 2)
0942299248 (pbk. ; v. 2)
9780942299243 (pbk. ; v. 2)
0942299280 (paper ; pt. 3)
9780942299281 (paper ; pt. 3)
0942299272 (cloth ; pt. 3)
9780942299274 (cloth ; pt. 3)
Human body Religious aspects.
Human body (Philosophy)
Human body.
Sex (Biology)
Corps humain Aspect religieux.
Corps humain (Philosophie)
Corps humain.
Sexualité (Biologie)
culture note.
history (discipline)
religion (discipline)
Menselijk lichaam.
Feher, Michel.
Naddaff, Ramona.
Tazi, Nadia.
Mau, Bruce, book designer.
Zone (Series) ; 3-5.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 227832
Cote: HM636 .F7 1989
Exemplaire: v. 1
Notes: pbk.
Statut: Disponible
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 227833
Cote: HM636 .F7 1989
Exemplaire: v. 2
Notes: pbk.
Statut: Disponible
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 227834
Cote: HM636 .F7 1989
Exemplaire: v. 3
Notes: pbk.
Statut: Disponible
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